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Results for "hnalek"

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Name: Richard G. Hanley

Birth: 12 Dec 1906 Stoughton, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 20 DEC 1971 McAdoo, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Michael William Hanley

Mother: Helen Harriet Sullivan

Name: James Arthur Hanley

Birth: 5 Mar 1905 Muscatine, Iowa

Death: 15 Nov 1968 Albany, Albany, New York, USA

Father: Joseph Rhodes Hanley

Mother: Henrietta Victoria Robertson

Name: michael hanley

Birth: 12/9/1845 Ireland

Death: 11/6/1908 41 Low Chare, Chester-le-Street

Father: Peter Hanley

Mother: Susanna Kelly

Name: James Michael Hanley

Birth: 1871 New York

Death: 3 December 1961 Queens, New York, USA

Father: Michael Hanley

Mother: Mary Neary

Name: Michael Thomas Hanley

Birth: 1835 , , , Ireland

Death: 1914 Adair, Adair, Iowa, United States

Father: Michael Hanley

Mother: Catharine B Logan

Name: Grover Joseph Hanley

Birth: 13 Jun 1891 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States

Death: 17 Mar 1967 Amboy, Clark, Washington, United States

Father: John Michael Hanley

Mother: Cora Alice Flock

Name: Anna Hanzlek

Birth: abt 1895 Ohio

Death: 13 May 1968 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA

Father: Joseph Kozelka

Mother: Rosey Vancura

Name: Michael J Hanley

Birth: 19 Apr 1871 Newburg, Preston, West Virginia, USA

Death: 2 Feb 1937 Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia, United States of America

Father: Darby Hanley

Mother: Mary Coughlin

Name: William Edward Hanley

Birth: abt 1920 Connecticut

Death: Jan 07, 1994 Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia

Father: Bernard Clark Hanley

Mother: Maria Campo Dell'Orto

Name: Emma Healey

Birth: 15 Aug 1915 Belle Vernon, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 5 Mar 2004 Middletown, Butler, Ohio, USA

Father: Harry Hartford Zollars

Mother: Maria Louise Kuss

Name: Thomas F Hanley

Birth: abt 1876 New York

Death: 1950 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

Father: Daniel F Hanley

Mother: Mary Ann OKelly

Name: Renee Lillian HANLEY

Birth: 9 Nov 1939 Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 12 JAN 2001 Monroe, Union, North Carolina, USA

Father: Julius Russell Deckard

Mother: Rosa Marie Cardwell

Name: Melvin O HANLEY

Birth: 23 September 1918 Midland, Sebastian County, Arkansas, United States of America

Death: 20 Aug 1992 Yellowstone, Montana, USA

Father: William Walter Hanley

Mother: Mary Beatrice Quinlivan

Name: William J Hanley

Birth: 31 January 1931 Massachusetts

Death: 6 Mar 2009 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas,

Father: John Joseph HANLEY

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Maguire


Birth: 1778 Rochdale, Lancashire, England

Death: Jan 1858 Rochdale, Lancashire, England

Father: James Healey

Mother: Mary Hawkard


Birth: 21 AUG 1873 Lee Place Clifford St. Aston Manor Erd.


Father: John Matthew Hanley

Mother: Sarah Ann Phillips

Name: Annastasia Healey

Birth: Mar 1899 Pennsylvania

Death: February 1972 Hornell, Steuben County, New York

Father: Daniel F Healey

Mother: Catherine Case

Name: Frank George Havlek

Birth: 29 Apr 1891 Marinette, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 2 Jan 1965 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Jan "John" Havelek

Mother: Josefa Spevachek

Name: Betty Jacqueline Hanley

Birth: 28 April 1926 Cook, Illinois, United States

Death: 22 June 1991 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA

Father: William Hanley

Mother: Margaret Mae Vannatta

Name: Katey hanley

Birth: abt 1874 Pennsylvania

Death: 09 Nov 1936 Dormont, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Maxmillian James Muller

Mother: Henrietta Hirsh

Name: Joseph Daniel Healey

Birth: Nov 29 1904 Washington, District of Columbia

Death: 17 November 1988 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Joseph Daniel Healey

Mother: Lillie R Warfield

Name: William F Healey

Birth: 12 Jan 1867 Ontario

Death: 8 May 1927 Canada

Father: James Healey

Mother: Susan Henrietta Boulton

Name: William Healey

Birth: 06 Jun 1828 Upson, Georgia, United States

Death: 30 Nov 1898 Chappell Hill, Washington County, Texas, USA

Father: Joel Thomas Haley

Mother: Frances Jones

Name: Patrick HANLEY

Birth: 1835 Dublin, Ireland

Death: 30 Dec 1886 209 W 57th St. Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA

Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Mary McGovern

Name: William Healey

Birth: abt 1841 Tinsley, Yorkshire, England

Death: Jan 1902 Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire West Riding, United Kingdom

Father: William Heeley

Mother: Eliza Heeley

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