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Results for "hid"

Name: Naseema Hid

Birth: 1923 Quincy

Death: 27 Feb 2012

Father: Alfred Hid

Mother: Martha Soloman Hid

Name: Joan Hid

Birth: APR 1599 Chichester, Sussex, England, United Kingdom


Father: John Hide

Mother: Joane

Name: Maria HID

Birth: Not Available Eiweiler, Saarbrucken, Saarland, Deutschland

Death: 12 MAR 1814

Father: Georg Eyd

Mother: Anna Maria ZIMMER

Name: Joseph Hid

Birth: 1941 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 1968 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Alfred Hid

Mother: Martha Solomon

Name: Dolores Hid

Birth: September 10, 1935 Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

Death: November 24, 2000 Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Alfred Hid

Mother: Martha Solomon

Name: Mansour Hid

Birth: January 4, 1929 Indiana, USA

Death: November 25, 1987 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Alfred Hid

Mother: Martha Solomon

Name: Incent Child Hid

Birth: 1705 Monmouth, New Jersey, United States

Death: 1706

Father: John Warford

Mother: Elizabeth Stout

Name: Bastard Child Hid

Birth: 1705 Monmouth, New Jersey, United States

Death: Not Available

Father: Elizabeth Stout

Mother: John Warford

Name: Maria HID

Birth: 1905 Dajer, Lebanon

Death: Not Available

Father: Elias Hid

Mother: Private

Name: Bastard Child Hid

Birth: 1705 Monmouth, New Jersey, USA

Death: 1706

Father: James Head

Mother: Private

Name: Jose HID

Birth: 1890 Dajer, Lebanon

Death: 1972

Father: Elias Hid

Mother: Private


Birth: abt 1895 Líbano

Death: Not Available

Father: Elias Hid

Mother: Private

Name: James Hid

Birth: 1689 Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey Colony, New England

Death: 1775 Hunterdon, New Jersey Colony, New England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Elias Hid

Birth: abt 1866 Syrian Arab Republic

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Alfred Hid

Birth: 29 Jun 1889 Lebanon

Death: Jun 1966 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Sarah Hid

Birth: ABT 1634 United Kingdom


Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: michell Hid

Birth: 1600 england

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Herbert John Hid

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Consuelo Hid

Birth: 1938

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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