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Results for "hausen"

Name: casia "cassie" hausen

Birth: Jun 1879 Missouri

Death: 1968 Reno County, Kansas, USA

Father: Andrew Hausam

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Tisch

Name: Donald frank Hausen

Birth: 04/06/1942 michigan

Death: 28 Mar 1985 Waukesha, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Gerhardt E Hausen

Mother: Theresa Samson

Name: Simon Hausen

Birth: Feb 1870 Gross Point, Cook County, Illinois

Death: 1 Mar 1944 Itasca, Minnesota

Father: Nicholas Hausen

Mother: Gertrude Oster

Name: Helen Irene Hausen

Birth: 27 Oct 1904 Villisca, Montgomery, Iowa, USA

Death: 13 Sep 1970 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Harrison 'Hal' Hausen

Mother: Martha Ann Warne

Name: Alice Anne Hausen

Birth: 13 DEC 1911 Knox, IN

Death: 20 Apr 2008 Knox, Indiana

Father: Frans Christian Hansen

Mother: Pearl Mae Davis

Name: Ida Catherine Hausen

Birth: 1 September 1861 Franklin Grove, Lee, Illinois, USA

Death: 01 Dec 1935 Nachusa, Lee, Illinois, USA

Father: Sylvanus Cobb Helmershausen/"Hausen"

Mother: Sabina Jane Fellows

Name: Anna Karoline Hausen

Birth: 8 Okt 1885 Artichoke, Big Stone, Minnesota, USA

Death: 27 October 1959 Pennington, Minnesota, USA

Father: Ole M Hansen

Mother: Gunda Lovise Knudsdr

Name: Cora Hausen

Birth: 14 Nov 1892 Illinois

Death: Sep 1975 Itasca, DuPage, Illinois, USA

Father: Peter Hans Grimm

Mother: Dorothea Tygesen

Name: Robert Norman Hausen

Birth: 31 Jul 1922 Villisca, Iowa

Death: 26 Jan 1993 Villisca, Montgomery, Iowa, USA

Father: Harrison Hausen

Mother: Louise B Mayhew

Name: Ada Ruth Hausen

Birth: abt 1908 Yaianfu Shantung, China

Death: 4 October 2000 Milton, Santa Rosa, Florida, USA

Father: Perry Oliver Hanson

Mother: Ruth Stevenson Ewing

Name: Katharine Hausen

Birth: abt 1881 New York

Death: 13 Sep 1977 Albany NY USA

Father: John H Hausen

Mother: Barbara King

Name: Carl Frederick Hausen

Birth: 27 Feb 1912 Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa, USA

Death: 31 Jul 2001 Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa, USA

Father: Christian Hauser

Mother: Elsbeth "Ella" Stange

Name: Maude Hausen

Birth: 1 Jul 1886 Michigan, United States

Death: 1925 Michigan, United States

Father: Peter Rasmussen

Mother: Marie Christiansen

Name: Enid M Hausen

Birth: 2 Aug 1907 Brooklyn, New York, USA

Death: 5 Aug 1970 Sag Harbor, Suffolk, New York, USA

Father: Lucien A Hansen

Mother: Isline E Benners

Name: Rabbi Max Hausen

Birth: 10 Mar 1926 New York City, New York, USA

Death: 4 Jan 2020 Bryn Mawr, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry Hausen

Mother: Lillian Leonson

Name: Katherine Loretta Hausen

Birth: 30 Mar 1868 Evanston, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 27 Dec 1931 Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: Christian Wilhelm Hausen

Mother: Margaretha Alles

Name: Lorraine Fern Hausen

Birth: 1930 ND

Death: 6 July 2010 Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America

Father: Milo Cutler

Mother: Wilma Williamson

Name: Josephus Hausen

Birth: 07.09.1736 Düngenheim, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

Death: 10.08.1784 Düngenheim, Cochem-Zell, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland

Father: Jakob Hausen

Mother: Anna Maria Dormin

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