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Results for "hara"

Name: Susan A. Hara

Birth: 1833 Drummondsville, Welland Co., Ontario, Canada

Death: 07 August 1867 Coldwater, Branch, Michigan, USA

Father: Joseph Hara (O'Hara)

Mother: Margaret Ferguson

Name: William Iwao Hara

Birth: 28 Apr 1919 California

Death: 22 Jul 1975 Los Angeles, California

Father: Otoji Hara

Mother: Kimiye Nakaiye

Name: Joseph Hara

Birth: abt 1864 California

Death: 16 JAN 1943 San Mateo, San Mateo, California, United States

Father: Lorenzo Jara


Name: Joseph Samuel Hara

Birth: 02 June 1850 Merritton (Town), Grantham Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada

Death: 03 December 1925 Merritton (Town), Grantham Township, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada

Father: John J Harra

Mother: Charlotte Almira Phelps

Name: John Joseph Hara

Birth: 22 DEC 1893 Menlo Park, San Mateo, California, United States


Father: John Joseph Hara

Mother: Matilda Farmin

Name: Rikichi Hara

Birth: 1 May 1883 Hiroshima ken, Japan

Death: 1971 Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA

Father: Isohei Hara

Mother: Taki Nakagawa

Name: Richard Hara

Birth: 15 Apr 1939 Sharon, PA

Death: 11 Feb 2015 Austin, Travis, Texas, USA

Father: Maurice James O'Hara

Mother: Dorothy Mae Sines

Name: Myrtie StJohn Hara

Birth: 15 Aug 1880 Merritton, Lincoln, Ontario, Canada

Death: 8 Jul 1965 Alameda, California, USA

Father: Joseph Samuel Hara

Mother: Cynthia Louise Winchester

Name: Constance Hara

Birth: abt 1931 New York City, New York, USA

Death: 18 October 1991 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut

Father: Irving Hara

Mother: Florance Ellenstein

Name: Gertrude Hara

Birth: 1877 North Dalton, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1959 Sheffield, Yorkshire, W Riding

Father: Francis Robert Bell

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Thornton

Name: James Sol Hara

Birth: 1914 Allepo, Syria

Death: 13 Jun 2005 Hollywood, Broward, Florida

Father: Salomon Hara

Mother: Frieda Sasson

Name: Edward Hara

Birth: abt 1912 New York

Death: 11 May 1956 Lorain County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: August Gustave Hara

Mother: Emma Lietz

Name: George F Hara

Birth: 7 Oct 1914 New York, USA

Death: 8 Aug 1976 San Bernardino, California

Father: August Gustave Hara

Mother: Emma Lietz

Name: Tadao Ray Hara

Birth: 4 Sep 1912 Butte, California

Death: 27 Oct 2002 Orosi, Tulare, California, United States of America

Father: Takeshi Hara

Mother: Mito Matsumoto

Name: Kozue (Betty) Hara

Birth: 9 Mar 1932 Fukuoka, Japan

Death: 7 Mar 1998 Atchison, Kansas, USA

Father: Tatsuji Hara

Mother: Sueno Shimomura

Name: Margaret Hara

Birth: 26 Jun 1878 Southwark, Surrey, England

Death: Dec 1920 Camberwell, London, England

Father: James Kiernan

Mother: Sarah Jane Hall

Name: Catherine Hara

Birth: Apr 1823 County Galway, Ireland

Death: 5 Aug 1911 Mitchell Township, Sheboyan, Wisconsin

Father: James Hobar

Mother: Mary Daily

Name: Ezra M Hara

Birth: 26 December 1907 Aleppo, Syria

Death: 8 August 1968 Los Angeles, CA

Father: Max M Hara

Mother: Louise Tawil

Name: Emma Hara

Birth: July 1868 Huggate, Yorkshire, England

Death: 22 Jul 1915 York, Ontario, Canada

Father: William Harah

Mother: Sarah Watson

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