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Name: martin Fyderek
Birth: 6 March 1903 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Death: 3 August 1961 Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Michael M Fyderek
Birth: Jul 1897 New York
Death: 2 October 1960 Buffalo Erie, New York
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Joel Martin FYDEREK
Birth: 9 May 1942 Sackets Harbor, North Carolina, USA
Death: 2014
Father: Martin Fyderek
Mother: Olive Pearl Folsom
Name: Wojciech (George) Joseph FYDEREK
Birth: 11 Apr 1889 New York, USA
Death: 28 Feb 1959 Erie, New York, USA
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Helen FYDEREK
Birth: 27 Jan 1892 Buffalo, Erie, New York
Death: 03 Jul 1976 Buffalo, New York, USA
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Andrew Fyderek
Birth: Dec 1890 New York
Death: Bef. 1930
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Birth: Sep 1870 Poland, Austria
Death: 07 Nov 1910 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Father: Balcer F. FYDEREK
Mother: Katarzyna Bilas
Name: Rose Fyderek
Birth: 07/24/1924 Wyano, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania
Death: 07/19/2008 Carnegie, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Father: Karol Fyderek
Mother: Anna Pedjiewiater
Name: Karol Fyderek
Birth: 29 Mar 1893 Brezinka, Poland
Death: 5 Sep 1955 Wilkinsburg, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
Father: John Fyderek
Mother: Mary Smentek
Name: Rose Fyderek
Birth: Aug 1889 New York
Death: Not Available
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Joseph FYDEREK
Birth: 16 Nov 1901 New York, USA
Death: May 1977 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Edward FYDEREK
Birth: 24 Apr 1915 New York, USA
Death: Jun 1976 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Father: Wojciech (George) Joseph FYDEREK
Mother: Antonia ZIENTEK
Name: Chester Anthony FYDEREK
Birth: 03 Jan 1913 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Death: 10 Nov 1971 Diagnostic Hospital, Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Father: Wojciech (George) Joseph FYDEREK
Mother: Antonia ZIENTEK
Name: Florence Fyderek
Birth: 15 Feb 1917 New York
Death: Not Available
Father: Wojciech (George) Joseph FYDEREK
Mother: Antonia ZIENTEK
Name: Donna R Fyderek
Birth: 18 Feb 1943 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Death: 29 Jan 2001 Carthage, Jefferson, New York, USA
Father: Martin Fyderek
Mother: Olive Pearl Folsom
Name: Christine Noel Fyderek
Birth: 11/25/1963
Death: 21 Jan 2013
Father: Joel Martin Fyderek
Mother: Bonnie L Brown
Name: Alice Michaelene Fyderek
Birth: 19 Jul 1937 Buffalo Erie, New York
Death: 3 Dec 1993
Father: Mikel Fyderek
Mother: Emily Fyderek
Name: Henry FYDEREK
Birth: Abt. 1912 New York, USA
Death: Not Available
Father: Wojciech (George) Joseph FYDEREK
Mother: Antonia ZIENTEK
Name: John Henry FYDEREK
Birth: 23 Jan 1899 New York, USA
Death: Not Available
Father: Marcin (Martin) Fyderek
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Mikel Fyderek
Birth: Jul 1897 New York
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Kathrazyna (Katherine) Grzybek
Name: Joseph Fyderek
Birth: 1904 New York
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Teresa Fyderek
Birth: 06 Oct 1893 Brzezinka, Oswiecim, Poland
Death: 03 Jan 1977 Brzezinka, Oswiecim, Poland
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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