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Results for "ezka"

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Name: George E Ezra

Birth: 29 Apr 1873 Berkbeck Dew, Illinois

Death: Apr 1968 Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States

Father: John Ezra

Mother: Rosezetta Lee Conner

Name: Retta Ezra

Birth: Jul 1889 Iowa

Death: 4 JUN 1981 Kirkland, King, Washington, USA

Father: John Harrington

Mother: Frances Marian Needham

Name: Rollen E Ezra

Birth: 18 Aug 1916 Cass County, Indiana, USA

Death: 22 Aug 1952 Houston, Harris, Texas, USA

Father: Edward James Ezra

Mother: Clara L Blacksten

Name: William Henry Etka

Birth: 4 Jun 1857 Iowa

Death: 12 Apr 1920 Amberg, Marinette, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Henry Etka

Mother: Narcissa Risinger

Name: Carrington Ezra

Birth: 2 February 1894 Tennessee

Death: 23 Apr 1963 Brown, Texas

Father: Benjamin F Ezra

Mother: Coretta Eugenia Chambers

Name: Cathrina (Katie) Zeka

Birth: 25 Nov 1862 Austria, Bohemia

Death: 7 Mar 1958 Herington, Dickinson, Kansas, United States

Father: Frank Zieka

Mother: Alvena (Mary) Zieka

Name: Elizabeth Emma Ezra

Birth: 1837 Middlesex, England

Death: 13 Aug 1921 4 Redhill Place

Father: George John Ezra

Mother: Mary Ann Drake

Name: Carl Elka

Birth: 24 Aug 1913 Michigan

Death: 2 Mar 1994 Willis, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Albert Elka (Oelke)

Mother: Ida Molly Schrock

Name: Edward William Elka

Birth: 14 Aug 1917 Willis, Michigan

Death: 23 Jun 1997 Willis, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Albert Elka (Oelke)

Mother: Ida Molly Schrock

Name: Anna Zeka

Birth: Feb 1845 Bohemia

Death: 04/07/1898 Yale, Guthrie, Iowa, USA

Father: John Zitka

Mother: Francis

Name: Winnie Ezra

Birth: 19 Feb 1920 Owens, Brown, Texas, USA

Death: 7 Apr 1964 Brownwood, Brown, Texas, USA

Father: Carrington Ezra

Mother: Lillian Kathryn Andrews

Name: Robert Ezra

Birth: abt 1864 Kentish Town, London, England

Death: Jun 1950 Uxbridge, Middlesex, England

Father: William Ezra

Mother: Mary A Woodward

Name: Adaline Etka

Birth: 26 Sep 1869 Lee County, Iowa

Death: 12 Jan 1957 Readstown, Vernon, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Samuel H Ross

Mother: Mary Ann Newsam

Name: Virgil Chaning Ezra

Birth: 29 June 1886 Clinton, De Witt, Illinois, USA

Death: 16 March 1953 IL

Father: John Ezra

Mother: Rosezetta Lee Conner

Name: James Martin Zeka

Birth: 1880 Minnesota

Death: 23 Dec 1971 Sauk Rapids, Benton, Minnesota, United States

Father: Martin Zika

Mother: Anna Trenda

Name: Franklin Zeka

Birth: 09/13/1914 Wisconsin

Death: 18 Mar 1999 Greendale, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Charles Peter Zeka

Mother: Louise Bagnell

Name: Alexander ZEKA

Birth: 30 May 1897 Vanderbilt, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA Clarissa, PA

Death: 22 January 1960 Sharon, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Alexander Zeka

Mother: Amelia Zeka

Name: Virgil L Ezra

Birth: abt 1911 Indiana

Death: 3 May 1985 Monticello, White, Indiana, United States of America

Father: Franklin Joseph Ezra

Mother: Metta Alma Blacksten

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