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Results for "eldye"

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Name: Lydia Edye

Birth: 1760 BRISTOL GLS England

Death: 16 May 1847 Heavitree, Devon, England

Father: John Edye

Mother: Hannah King

Name: Nancy Matilda Eddye

Birth: 23 Apr 1843 Lamar, Clinton, PA

Death: 16 Sep 1934 Lamar, Clinton, PA

Father: Thomas Hamblin Eddy

Mother: Sarah Matilda Moses

Name: Richard Gent Elde

Birth: 1593 Seighford, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1640 Seighford, Staffordshire, England

Father: Richard Gent Elde

Mother: Margaret Crompton

Name: Thomas Hamblin Eddye

Birth: 2 Apr 1815 New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut

Death: 15 Jun 1867 Lamar, Clinton, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Thomas Eddy

Mother: Nancy Hamblin

Name: Francis Elde

Birth: Bef. 8 Jan 1622/23 Seighford, Staffordshire, England

Death: Bef. 17 Feb 1687 Seighford, Staffordshire, England

Father: Sir Elde

Mother: Margaret Crompton

Name: Margaret Elde

Birth: 26 January 1909 Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States of America

Death: 3 March 2005 Ely, Saint Louis, Minnesota

Father: August Elde

Mother: Elizabeth Kuusinennen Kuusinennen

Name: John Alfred Edye

Birth: 15 Jun 1853 London, England

Death: 21 Apr 1936 Blue Island, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Joseph Edye

Mother: Emily Hopkins

Name: Millie Elye

Birth: 4 AUG 1887 near Moravia, Appanoose County, Iowa, USA.

Death: Nov 1977 Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA

Father: Thomas Jefferson ELY ELI or ELYE

Mother: Martha Jane KINNAMAN

Name: Henry Walrond EDYE

Birth: 28 JUL 1804 Tidwell, Devonshire, England

Death: 15 Mar 1887 Weisbaden, Germany

Father: John Edye

Mother: Frances Oke

Name: Gabriel Sørensson Elde

Birth: 02 Jun 1878 Sogn og Fjordane, Norway

Death: 1940 Rochester, Olmsted, Minnesota, USA

Father: Soren Olsen Elde

Mother: Lovise Rasmussdotter Bakkebo

Name: Cornelius Elye

Birth: abt 1891 Alabama

Death: 20 Jul 1951 Whatley, Clarke, Alabama

Father: Bob Ely

Mother: Della Lynum

Name: Sophia Harriet Edye

Birth: 31 Jul 1826 Stonehouse, Devon, England

Death: 8 Apr 1911 St Pancras, London

Father: John Edye

Mother: Harriet Louisa Turner

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