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Results for "dwanney"

0 results were found for the search term. Showing similar results.

Name: James Grant Swancey

Birth: 14 May 1867 Dawson or Pickens County, Georgia, USA

Death: 18 Dec 1948 Hickory Flat, Cherokee County, Georgia, United States of America

Father: James Canady Swancy

Mother: Mary Grizzle

Name: Malinda Swancey

Birth: 19 Jul 1877 Henderson, Texas

Death: 16 Jul 1947 Longview, Gregg County, Texas, USA

Father: William M Swancey

Mother: Mary A

Name: Margaret Shanney

Birth: 1859 Roscommon, Ireland

Death: Feb. 23,1929 Dedham, Ma. USA.

Father: Lawrence P Shanney

Mother: Margaret B Curley

Name: Norma Cranney

Birth: 2 June 1917 Smoot, Lincoln, Wyoming, United States

Death: 25 August 2004 Pleasant Grove, Utah, Utah, United States

Father: Wilford Woodruff Cranney

Mother: Laura Jeanette Mickelsen

Name: Albert Bryan Dawbney

Birth: abt 1850 Milton, Dorset, England

Death: 2 Feb 1920 Coombe Down Farm,Beaminster,Dorset, England

Father: Charles Dawbney

Mother: Elizabeth Bagg

Name: Michael Shanney

Birth: 1876 Ireland

Death: 12 Sep 1956 Anamosa, Jones, Iowa, USA

Father: Michael Shanney

Mother: Rose Flynn

Name: William Branney

Birth: 3 July 1851 Ardglass Down, Northern Ireland

Death: 19 Jun 1929 West View, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Hughey Branney

Mother: Rose Smyth

Name: Amos William Swancey

Birth: 1917 South Carolina, USA

Death: 1989 Lexington County, South Carolina, USA

Father: Maxie Richard Swancey

Mother: Lila Mae Horne

Name: Margaret Irvine Swanney

Birth: abt 1805 North Ronaldshay, Orkney

Death: 18 Jul 1890 Wellington Street, Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland

Father: Edward Swanney

Mother: Mary Swanney

Name: David A. Swansey

Birth: 10 Oct 1845 Georgia

Death: 22.Nov.1924 Hall Co Ga

Father: John Swansey

Mother: Ingram Swansey

Name: Mary Jewel Swanner

Birth: 23 JUN 1911 Texas, USA

Death: 4 NOV 1992 Eugene, Lane, Oregon, United States of America

Father: Burnard Amariah Swanner

Mother: Mary McLean

Name: Ina Cranney

Birth: 30 Aug 1894 Logan, Cache County, Utah, United States of America

Death: 24 Feb 1963 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA

Father: Wilford Woodruff Cranney

Mother: Laura Jeanette Mickelsen

Name: John Anthony OManney

Birth: 22 Aug 1702 Hampshire, England

Death: 1779 Portsea Hants, Hampshire, England.

Father: Anthony Ommanney

Mother: Grace Cooke

Name: Wilford Cranney

Birth: 8 Apr 1896 ,, Wyoming, USA

Death: 27 Mar 1944 Kemmerer, Lincoln, Wyoming, USA

Father: Wilford Woodruff Cranney

Mother: Laura Jeanette Mickelsen

Name: Robert Swanner

Birth: 4 Nov 1891 Louisiana

Death: 07 Sep 1974 Hodge, Jackson, Louisiana, United States of America

Father: Willis Green Swanner

Mother: Martha Mahala Strain

Name: Frederick Aloysius Devanney

Birth: 30 Apr 1887 Pawtucket, R.I.

Death: 8 Oct 1965 Providence, R.I.

Father: Thomas J. DEVANNEY

Mother: Katherine "Katie" CONNELLAN

Name: John Devanney

Birth: Jun 1887 New York

Death: 31 Mar 1954 Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA

Father: Patrick Diviney

Mother: Catherine Tierney


Birth: 12 Dec 1865 Fredonia, Caldwell, Kentucky, USA

Death: 30 Nov 1935 St Louis, Missouri, USA



Name: Bertha Gwatney

Birth: 20 August 1896 Marshall, Harrison, Texas, USA

Death: 23 Dec 1986 Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

Father: Henry Jackson Gwatney

Mother: Saphronia Galloway

Name: John J Gwatney

Birth: 16 May 1907 Arkansas

Death: 24 Sept 1988 North Little Rock,Arkansas Memorial Gardens

Father: L Archibald Gwatney

Mother: Sener T Walls


Birth: 15 Aug 1879 Canton, Cherokee, Georgia, USA

Death: 19 Nov 1955 Canton, Cherokee, Georgia, USA

Father: Willis M Swancey

Mother: Sarah T England

Name: Joseph Mack Swanner

Birth: 13 Jun 1886 Kentucky

Death: 4 Aug 1962 Stanislaus Co., California

Father: George Wesley Swanner

Mother: Anna Emily Scoville

Name: William Robert Swanner

Birth: 20 Oct 1895 TN

Death: 03 Aug 1964 Johnson City, Washington, Tennessee, USA

Father: William F Swanner

Mother: Dialet D. Stackhouse

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