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Results for "cerino"

Name: Anna Cerino

Birth: 18 Jan 1926 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Death: 19 Jan 1998 Elmer, Salem, New Jersey, USA

Father: Sabato “Samuel” Cerino

Mother: Francesca “Frances” Iovane

Name: leo william cerino

Birth: 1932 Baltimore, Independent Cities, Maryland, USA

Death: 9 Sep 2005 Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Father: Albert Cerino

Mother: Catherine Thompson

Name: Fortunata Cerino

Birth: 29 Oct 1888 Naples, Napoli, Campania, Italy

Death: 26 Feb 1975 Cape May, New Jersey, United States

Father: Raffaele Cerino

Mother: Maria Carmela Marrandino

Name: Louis Elmer Cerino

Birth: 05 aug 1917 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 6 May 2009 Willow Grove, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Pasqual Cerino

Mother: Anna Marie Quallet Cerino

Name: Anna Cerino

Birth: 3 Apr 1882 Aviano, Italy

Death: 21 Feb 1971 Yazoo City, Yazoo, Mississippi, USA

Father: Guiseppe CIRINO

Mother: Domenica PERNA

Name: Frank Cerino

Birth: 28 Sep 1878 Italy

Death: 02/1960 Cook County, Illinois, USA

Father: Vito Cirino

Mother: Nicola Scropo

Name: Leonard Cerino

Birth: 15 Feb 1924 Bangor, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 12 Jan 2015 Bangor, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Giuseppe (Joseph) Cirino

Mother: Maria Carrescia

Name: Ralph Louis CERINO

Birth: 22 Nov 1904 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Jun 1969 Willow Grove, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Thomas E Cerino

Mother: Antoinette Anna DeCristoforo

Name: Vincenza (Marie) Cerino

Birth: abt 1872 Italy

Death: 14 DEC 1951 Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States

Father: Ostachio Cerina

Mother: Mariana Cerina

Name: Joseph Cerino

Birth: 15 May 1913 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 30 Aug 1976 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Giuseppe (Joseph) Sarino

Mother: Louisa Sarino

Name: Anna Marie Cerino

Birth: 29 Nov 1929 Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA

Death: 12 Sep 2011 Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio

Father: Pasquale Antonio Cirino

Mother: Jessie Delsanter

Name: Alexander (Alesandro) Cerino

Birth: abt 1887 Italy

Death: Jan 1967 Euclid, OH

Father: Domenico Cirino

Mother: Catarina Laurienzo

Name: Angelina Cerino

Birth: 10 Aug 1889 Italy

Death: 2 Mar 1976 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Giuseppe Cirino

Mother: Annatonia DiVito

Name: Josephine Cerino

Birth: 12 Nov 1923 Cook County, IL

Death: 10 Mar 2006 Henderson, Clark, Nevada, USA

Father: Francesco Cerino

Mother: Rosa Cerino

Name: Lucy Cerino

Birth: May 1868 Naples, Italy

Death: 1950 Chicago, Cook, IL, USA

Father: Vincenzo Galante

Mother: Filomena Caponigri

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