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Results for "cahalan"

Name: Martin C. Cahalan

Birth: 12 September 1879 Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA

Death: Jul 21, 1957 Allamakee, Iowa, USA

Father: Patrick E Cahalan

Mother: Ellen Mary Dolan

Name: Margaret Cahalan

Birth: abt 1868 Georgia

Death: 1934 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, United States

Father: Michael Murray Cahalan

Mother: Catherine Kenny

Name: Catherine Mary Cahalan

Birth: 3 Mar 1884 Shanlaragh, Coolmountain, Dunmanway, Co Cork, Ireland

Death: 15 Sep 1966 Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, United States of America

Father: Patrick Cahalane

Mother: Mary Anne Donovan

Name: Michel Francis Cahalan

Birth: 12 Apr 1875 Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 24 Oct 1959 Susquehanna, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Thomas Cahalan

Mother: Bridget Finn

Name: James Phalen Cahalan

Birth: Feb 1871 Iowa

Death: 6 Apr 1948 Steele, Minnesota

Father: Daniel Cahalan

Mother: Mary Ann Phelan

Name: Lillian M Cahalan

Birth: 1881 Michigan, USA

Death: 19 Dec 1920 Essexville, Bay, Michigan, USA

Father: Francois (Franklin) Major

Mother: Josephine Grondin

Name: John Cahalan

Birth: 23 Mar 1845 Cork & Ross, Dunmanway, Co Cork, Ireland

Death: Pre 1901 Shanlaragh, Co Cork

Father: Michael CAHALANE

Mother: Joanna CALLAGHAN

Name: Daniel Arthur Cahalan

Birth: 13 June 1903 Blooming Prairie, Steele County, Minnesota, United States of America

Death: 30 July 1963 Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, United States of America

Father: Patrick Francis Cahalan

Mother: Elizabeth Lizzie CONNERS

Name: james cahalan

Birth: 20 April 1826 Castlerea, Roscommon, Ireland

Death: 23 Mar 1913 Deepwater, Henry, Missouri, United States

Father: James William Cahalan

Mother: Winifred Regan

Name: Mary Cahalan

Birth: 10 Apr 1880 Waterville, Oneida, New York, USA

Death: Jul 1979 Boonville, Oneida, New York, USA

Father: Patrick J Cahalan

Mother: Mary Anna Sexton

Name: Edward Tyne Cahalan

Birth: abt 1915 Massachusetts

Death: 3 Sep 1999 Pittsfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Michael Joseph Cahalan

Mother: Mary Ann Coles

Name: Ellen Cahalan

Birth: 13 Oct 1853 Lindsay, Ontario, Canada

Death: 28 Jul 1913 Wilkin, Minnesota

Father: William Walker

Mother: Bridget Mullady Malady

Name: Margaret J Cahalan

Birth: 24 Aug 1873 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States

Death: Abt 1929 43 Freeport St, Dorchester


Mother: Mary F. Riley

Name: Dorothy Ziel Cahalan

Birth: Nov 01, 1904 Wisconsin, USA

Death: 2000 Santa Clara, California

Father: Theodore Zeil

Mother: Mary Galster

Name: Eva Myrtle Cahalan

Birth: 27 Jul 1909 Hoosick Falls, New York

Death: 10 Aug 2004 Tempe, Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Father: William Cahalan

Mother: Mary Gooding

Name: Arthur G Cahalan

Birth: 27 Nov 1894 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA

Death: 19 April 1973 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA

Father: George Washington Cahalan

Mother: Annie Frances Gibson

Name: Bridget CAHALAN

Birth: 1849 Borrisokane, Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 29 Dec 1928 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Cty. California

Father: James Cahalan

Mother: Mary Mulfahy

Name: Margaret B. Cahalan

Birth: abt 1877 Iowa

Death: 1946 Granger, Dallas Co, Iowa

Father: Patrick "Pat" Callan

Mother: Mary Ann Kennedy

Name: William Paul CAHALAN

Birth: 16 Oct 1920 Mason City C, Iowa

Death: 3 Jan 2001 Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA

Father: George Washington Cahalan

Mother: Hazel Nell Moon

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