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Results for "bukutis"

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Name: George A Burtis

Birth: 07 Aug 1894 IA

Death: Sep 1967 Fort Dodge, Webster Co, IA

Father: Balus F Burtis

Mother: Elizabeth Blattie

Name: Mary Burtis

Birth: 10 Jun 1872 Georgetown, Burlington, New Jersey

Death: 28 May 1937 Burlington, New Jersey

Father: John Baptiste Burtis

Mother: Ella Maria Claypoole

Name: Charles Buckuais

Birth: 24 Nov 1862/1863 (1868) Mexico

Death: 24 Oct 1938 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Buckuais

Mother: Barbarita Grijalva grejalva

Name: Kenneth B. Burtis

Birth: 18 Apr 1922 New Jersey

Death: 8 May 2005 Buffalo, Erie, New York

Father: William Brown Burtis

Mother: Julietta Antoninus Burns

Name: Gretchen B Burtis

Birth: abt 1914 Illinois

Death: 27 Feb 1975 Los Angeles

Father: Ira Everett Burtis

Mother: Myrtha Dorothea Beule

Name: Josephine Sophia Bukus

Birth: 11 Nov. 1919 Sharon, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 30 Sept. 1991 Sharon, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Eli (Grimic) Bukus (Bukur)

Mother: Susan Silegy

Name: Loren H Burtis

Birth: 15 April 1925 Minnesota

Death: Sep 1968 Seattle

Father: John Franklin Burtis

Mother: Olive Vet Bell

Name: Paul Walter Rakutis

Birth: 5 Mar 1913 Brockton, Massachusetts

Death: 30 Jan 1995 Stoughton, Massachusetts

Father: Paul A Rakutis

Mother: Annie Kilmenute

Name: Eric F Burtis

Birth: 18 Oct 1926 New York

Death: 21 Mar 1995 Poway, San Diego, California, United States of America

Father: Eric Forsythe Burtis

Mother: Marthe Ballot

Name: Thomas Kutis

Birth: 21 Dec 1868 Bohemia, Austria

Death: 6 Jan 1949 St. Louis City, St. Louis City, Missouri, USA

Father: Ignatius Kutis

Mother: Anna Kratky

Name: Lewis P Burtis

Birth: 1 Oct 1919 El Paso, Illinois, USA

Death: 13 June 2005 Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA

Father: Verne Webster Burtis

Mother: Mildred "Millie" Patton

Name: Edward R Barutis

Birth: abt 1872 Massachusetts

Death: 23 May 1941 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Father: John H Barutio

Mother: Ellen Hewett

Name: Melvin S. Burtis

Birth: Dec 1872 New York, USA

Death: 10 Feb 1956 Lyons, Wayne, New York, USA

Father: Stephen A. Burtis

Mother: Lodema A. VanDenburg

Name: Kate Kutis

Birth: 1851 Austria

Death: 20 January 1924 Nebraska, USA

Father: John Vitovec

Mother: Mother Vitovec

Name: May Burtis

Birth: 21 May 1907 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States

Death: 12 Jul 2007 Moraga, Contra Costa, California, United States

Father: Samuel Henry Burtis (Jr.)

Mother: Annie Genevieve LAWRENCE

Name: Madge Burtis

Birth: 24 Nov 1903 Michigan

Death: 17 Sep 1974 Owosso, Shiawassee, Michigan

Father: Abram Stanton

Mother: Zella E Green

Name: Naomi Ada BURTIS

Birth: abt 1917 Texas

Death: 3 May 2006 Whitehouse, Smith, Texas, USA

Father: Frederick William Burtis

Mother: Etta Mae Hill

Name: Stamatia Kulu Buzuvis

Birth: 13 Oct 1917 Indiana, United States

Death: 11 Aug 1993 Westerville, Delaware, Ohio, USA

Father: George John Buzuvis

Mother: Panagiota “Pauline Kyriakopoulos Buzuvis

Name: Calvin Burtis

Birth: 24 Mar 1893 Imperial, Chase, Nebraska, United States

Death: 31 Mar 1958 Ottumwa Wapello Co Ia

Father: George Ira Burtis

Mother: Julissie Browning

Name: Mary Frances Burtis

Birth: 21 March 1890 Texas

Death: 24 Apr 1980 Madisonville, Madison County, Texas, USA

Father: Charles Thomas Burtis*direct

Mother: Alice Caroline Finney

Name: Ignatius "Ignatz" Kutis

Birth: 31 Jul 1829 Hluboka, Boehmen, Koenigreich, Bohemia

Death: 3 Oct 1890 St. Louis, Missouri

Father: Josef Kutis

Mother: Veronika Neskodny

Name: Ellen Burtis

Birth: 12 Aug 1873 Hamilton, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Death: 29 Jan 1957 Windsor, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Father: Aaron H Burtis

Mother: Mary R Hooper

Name: Armenia Arminita Burtis

Birth: 20 Dec 1815 New York City, New York, USA

Death: 17 Nov 1889 Hastings, Nebraska, USA

Father: Arthur Burtis

Mother: Elizabeth Palmer

Name: George Ira Burtis

Birth: 28 Nov 1870 Chariton, Appanoose, Iowa, United States

Death: 7 Nov 1942 Neb

Father: Ira William Burtiss

Mother: Azubah Elizabeth Rhinehart

Name: Mary L BURTIS

Birth: 25 Dec 1843 New York, USA

Death: 16 May 1923 Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States

Father: Aaron Burtis

Mother: Elvina Nichols

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