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Results for "bugyi"

Name: Irma Bugyi

Birth: 1912 Hungary

Death: 22 Aug 1982 Riverside

Father: Elek Paul Bugyi

Mother: Irma Caroline Bugyi

Name: John Bugyi

Birth: 1929 New York

Death: 27 Jul 1997 Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USA

Father: John Bugyi

Mother: Thresea Bugyi

Name: anna bugyi

Birth: 1890 Hungary

Death: 1966 Hungary

Father: Matyas Bugyi

Mother: Anna Fulop

Name: Elizabeth Bugyi

Birth: Aug 1898 Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Death: 20 Dec 1918 Manhattan, New York, USA

Father: Valentine Bugyi

Mother: Ethel Ivanyi, Ivancsics

Name: Mihály Bugyi

Birth: 1877 Nagykamarás, Bekes, Ungarn

Death: 1960 Nagykamarás, Bekes, Ungarn

Father: Matyas Bugyi

Mother: Csàszàr Mària

Name: Martin Bugyi

Birth: abt 1858 Austria

Death: 19 February 1924

Father: Martinus Bugyi

Mother: Elisab Meszaros

Name: Mátyás BUGYI

Birth: 28 Feb 1840 Szentes, Csongrad, Hungary

Death: 1890

Father: Laurentius BUGYI

Mother: Elisabetha SZÕKE

Name: Elek Paul Bugyi

Birth: abt 1877 Hungary

Death: 10 19 1916

Father: Antal Bugyi

Mother: Anna Sipos

Name: Maria Bugyi

Birth: abt 1893 Austria/Hungary

Death: 1951 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States

Father: Antal Bugyi

Mother: Zsuzsanna Sandor

Name: Stephen Bugyi

Birth: 1 Sep 1889 Hungary

Death: Not Available

Father: Martin Bugyi

Mother: Mary Bugyi

Name: Erzsébet Bugyi

Birth: 15 Mar 1783 Földeák, Csongrad, Hungary

Death: Not Available

Father: András Bugyi

Mother: Klara Kis

Name: Laurentius BUGYI

Birth: 4 Oct 1793 Szentes, Csongrad, Hungary

Death: Not Available

Father: Andreas BUGYI

Mother: Elisabetha HÉJA

Name: József Bugyi

Birth: 26 FEB 1794 Földeák, Csongrad, Hungary

Death: Not Available

Father: András Bugyi

Mother: Klara Kis

Name: Antal Bugyi

Birth: 21 SEP 1866 Földeák

Death: Not Available

Father: István Bugyi

Mother: Julis Bakoss

Name: Erzsébet Bugyi

Birth: 06.10.1920 Csongrád

Death: Not Available

Father: György Bugyi

Mother: Etelka Bertus

Name: john bugyi

Birth: sept 15 1918 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1977 Kenmore, Erie, New York, USA

Father: Steve Bugyi

Mother: Martha Bugyi

Name: Emericus (Imre) BUGYI

Birth: 13 Aug 1837 Battonya, Bekes, Hungary

Death: 21 Aug 1837 Battonya, Bekes, Hungary

Father: Michael (Mihaly) BUGYI

Mother: Barbara FRINDRIK-KISS

Name: József Bugyi

Birth: 26 Mar 1912 Nyírpazony, Szabolcs, Hungary

Death: 31 Jul 1912 Nyírpazony, Szabolcs, Hungary

Father: György Bugyi

Mother: Teréz Vida

Name: Michael (Mihaly) BUGYI

Birth: 15 Jan 1839 Battonya, Bekes, Hungary

Death: 26 Jan 1839 Battonya, Bekes, Hungary

Father: Michael (Mihaly) BUGYI

Mother: Barbara FRINDRIK-KISS

Name: Erzsébet Bugyi

Birth: 22 DEC 1915 Kenderes, Magyarország

Death: 18 JAN 1916 Kenderes, Magyarország

Father: Albert Bugyi

Mother: Mária Juhász

Name: Mária Bugyi

Birth: 13 Jan 1911 Szentes, Csongrad, Hungary

Death: Dec 1994 Szegvár, Csongrad, Hungary

Father: Private

Mother: Mária Bugyi

Name: Irma Bugyi

Birth: 1886 Hungary

Death: Mar 1976 Philmont, Columbia, New York, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: John Bugyi

Birth: 23 Aug 1896 Hungary

Death: Jul 1973 Roebling, Burlington, New Jersey, United States of America

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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