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Results for "bldon"

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Name: Cleothilde Baldon

Birth: 3 Jun 1895 Tekas ( El Pass)

Death: 2 Aug 1968 El Paso, Texas

Father: Teofilo Baldon

Mother: Paula Duran

Name: Beatrice F. beldon

Birth: 26 March 1918 Illinois

Death: 15 Sep 1988 Fordland, Webster, Missouri, USA

Father: Fred Fao Beldon

Mother: Edna Minnie Wallace

Name: Margaret Bradshaw Eldon

Birth: 20 Sep 1918 Fall River, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 29 Jun 1995 Fall River, Massachusetts

Father: Walter Eldon

Mother: Hannah Jane Bradshaw

Name: Thomas Love BOLDON

Birth: 7 September 1825 Bardstown, Nelson County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 18 December 1901 Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana, USA

Father: Samuel Tylar Boldon

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" Love

Name: Charlotte M Beldon

Birth: 1917 Lewistown, Mont.

Death: 15 June 2013 Billings, Yellowstone County, Montana, USA

Father: Clark Ellsworth Belden

Mother: LuElla Regina Heim

Name: Joseph Beldon

Birth: Abt 1755 Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire, England

Death: 15 Apr 1812 Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England

Father: John Beldam

Mother: Mary Gunnel

Name: Tabitha Eulalia Bladon

Birth: 1867 Saluda, Edgefield, SC, USA

Death: 08 Apr 1946 South Carolina, USA

Father: Thomas Jefferson Bladon

Mother: Tabitha Attaway

Name: Viola Adell Boldon

Birth: 2 Jul 1874 Vernon, Wisconsin, United States

Death: 11 October 1943 Ridgeville, Monroe, Wisconsin USA

Father: Eli Nate Boldon

Mother: Nancy Cynthia Sherman

Name: Louis Bidon

Birth: 1906 Minnesota

Death: 19 April 1968 Ramsey, Minnesota, USA

Father: Louis Francois Bidon

Mother: Bridget Agnes Flahave

Name: James Beldon

Birth: 10 Oct 1893 Tuscola, Douglas County, Illinois

Death: 7 Sep 1970 Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia

Father: Robert Riddle

Mother: Lucy Ann Lear Riddle Beldon

Name: Emma Beldon

Birth: 27 Jan 1884 Gateshead, Durham, England

Death: 26 Dec 1956 Camarillo, Ventura Co., California, United States

Father: Thomas Craggs Beldon

Mother: Sarah Ann Bye

Name: Rose Marie Badon

Birth: abt 1912 Louisiana

Death: 18 April 2007 Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, USA

Father: George William Badon

Mother: Belzire Domingue Badon

Name: Walter Badon

Birth: 22 Sep 1919 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 29 Sep 2010 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Father: Piotr Badon

Mother: Franceszka Ciukaj

Name: Mary Ann BLADON

Birth: 25 Dec 1820 Bham

Death: 12th Jan 1876 Aston, Birmingham, Warwickshire

Father: George Snape Bladon

Mother: Sarah Bladon

Name: William Boldon

Birth: Oct 1867 Greenwich, Kent

Death: 17 Dec 1929 Kent, England

Father: William Lawrence Bolton

Mother: Ellen Martha Wormley

Name: Dorothy Beldon

Birth: 1790 Wallsend, Northumberland,

Death: 18 May 1885 Middlesbrough, Yorkshire North Riding

Father: Cuthbert Beldon


Name: Josephus Bladon

Birth: 30 May 1731 Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1800 Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom

Father: Thomas Bladon

Mother: Sarah Lowe

Name: Forrest Blon

Birth: 22 APR 1900 Saint Clairsville, Richland Township, Belmont County, Ohio, USA

Death: 16 Jan 1986 Belmont, Belmont, Ohio, United States of America

Father: Robert Turnbull Blon

Mother: Nancy Jane Barnes

Name: Mary F. Bzdon

Birth: abt 1901 Poland

Death: 20 Mar 1958 Albany, Albany, New York, USA

Father: Franciszek Bzdoń

Mother: Wife

Name: Heber C BELDON

Birth: 5 June 1835 Hunterdon County, New Jersey

Death: 16 Feb 1884 Raritan, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Father: Heber C. Beldon

Mother: Mary Matilda Howell

Name: Mamie Victoria Boldon

Birth: 23 Jul 1887 Florida, United States

Death: 29 Feb 1936 Dothan, Houston, Alabama

Father: William Watson Boldon

Mother: Missouri Elizabeth Collins

Name: Phillip L Boldon

Birth: 7 Jan 1884 , , Wisconsin, USA

Death: 16 Jul 1928 Billings Creek Cemetery Vernon Co. Wisconsin, USA

Father: Lyman Boldon

Mother: Catherine E. Straley

Name: Ida Beldon

Birth: 26 DEC 1873 Tuscumbia, Miller Co., MO

Death: 3 OCT 1962 Eldon, Miller Co., MO

Father: Henry Andrew Belden

Mother: Anna Colvin

Name: Jemima Ann Beldon

Birth: 4 Sep 1834 New York

Death: 01 Jun 1907 Stamford, Delaware, New York

Father: Joshua Belden

Mother: Charity Maria Smith


Birth: 16 Jul 1880 Franklin Co., Indiana, United States

Death: 3 Aug 1961 Butler, Ohio

Father: Thomas Eldon

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Russell

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