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Results for "bain"

Name: James W Bain

Birth: Oct 1858 Tennessee, United States

Death: 1901 Tennessee, United States

Father: Alfred A.D. Bain

Mother: Mary Margaret Mabry

Name: Archibald "Arch" Bain

Birth: Abt. 1826 Tennessee, USA

Death: Bet. 1892–1899 Warren Co., TN

Father: Archibald "42" Bain

Mother: Sarah N. Spencer (Bain/Bayne)

Name: Lillian Juanita Bain

Birth: 1918 Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, USA

Death: 29 Jul 2015 Lancaster, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Luther James Bain

Mother: Bessie Frances Barringer

Name: James Simpson Bain

Birth: 4 Apr 1813 Yadkin River, Randolph, North Carolina, United States

Death: 6 May 1886 Guntersville, Marshall, Alabama, USA

Father: Alexander E. BAIN

Mother: Margreth Patterson ANDREW

Name: William Samuel Bain

Birth: 28 Apr. 1851 Palmyra, Trimble, Kentucky, USA

Death: 15 Feb 1923 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana

Father: Joseph T. Bain

Mother: Charlotte Ann Updike

Name: Jean Bain

Birth: abt 1829 Gargunnock, Stirlingshire

Death: 13 Mar 1871 Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Father: Thomas Bain

Mother: Catherine Graham

Name: Jannet Bain

Birth: 1767 Scotland

Death: bef. 1841 Caithness, Scotland

Father: Alexander Bain

Mother: Elizabeth Tayler

Name: George Tate Bain

Birth: 04 Jul 1895 Jackson, Alabama

Death: 25 Aug 1971 Pisgah, Jackson, Alabama

Father: Robert Lee Baine

Mother: Carnelia Bryant

Name: Lawrence A Bain

Birth: 1878 Bathurst, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada

Death: 29 Sep 1950 Fisher, Polk, Minnesota, USA

Father: Andrew W. Bain

Mother: Margaret Avery

Name: Marshall Henry Bain

Birth: 5 Feb 1905 Tennessee

Death: Mar 1972 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA

Father: Finis Henry Bain

Mother: Cellie Lee Chumley

Name: John Bain

Birth: 2 Jun 1857 Kentucky

Death: 1901 Barbourville, Knox, Kentucky, United States

Father: Robert L. Bain

Mother: Nancy Elizabeth Parker (Bain) (Sublett)

Name: George William Bain

Birth: 13 Aug 1893 Illinois

Death: Jul 1957 Decatur, Macon, IL

Father: James William Bain

Mother: Alice Cornell

Name: Zoe Bain

Birth: 20 May 1903 Audubon, Audubon, Iowa, United States

Death: Feb 1975 La Grange, Cook, Illinois, United States

Father: Robert Bain

Mother: Edna (Etta) Plested

Name: Ernest S. Bain

Birth: 07 Oct 1893 Illinois

Death: 9 Apr 1963 Illinois

Father: Francis Bain

Mother: Jane Cooper Bain

Name: Alexander James Bain

Birth: Sept 16 1859 Toronto, Ontario Canada

Death: April 19 1903 Buffalo New York USA

Father: James Bain

Mother: Jessie Miller Laurie

Name: Ewell Bain

Birth: Abt. 1914 Mississippi

Death: 6 Nov 1995 Ethel, Attala, Mississippi, USA

Father: James Bain

Mother: Nellie Belle Morris

Name: John Henry Bain

Birth: 12 Feb 1883 Rock Creek, Winston County, Alabama, USA

Death: 03 Jun 1970 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USA

Father: Alfred Asworth Bain

Mother: Mary Brown

Name: Harriet M Bain

Birth: 20 March 1827 North Carolina

Death: 25 September 1889 Mississippi

Father: Matthew Bain

Mother: Sophia Josephine McGinty

Name: Hulda E Bain

Birth: Jul 1885 Texas

Death: 25 Dec 1928 Travis, Texas, USA

Father: Thomas Newton Bain

Mother: Josephine Armstrong

Name: Jennie Bain

Birth: 26 Jan. 1918 Bryan County, Oklahoma, USA

Death: 10/31/2001 Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona

Father: James Carol Bain

Mother: Sadie Boone

Name: Alexander Bain

Birth: 2 Apr 1823 Helensburgh, Row, Dumbarton, Scotland.

Death: 28 Feb 1875 2 Cameron Court, Glasgow, Scotland

Father: John Bain

Mother: Jean Colquhoun

Name: Leslie Bain

Birth: 19 May 1894 West Guilford, Ontario

Death: 2 Dec 1942 West Guilford, Ontario, Canada

Father: Duncan Bain

Mother: Rebecca Bell

Name: Fred B. Bain

Birth: 20 Mar 1907 Washington Co., Idaho, USA

Death: 8 Feb 1999 Cambridge, Washington Co., Idaho, USA

Father: Ezra William Bain

Mother: Ava Rilla Darnall

Name: Sarah Bain

Birth: 2 Mar 1821 Ramsay, Lanark, Canada West (Ontario), Canada

Death: 1860 Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

Father: Walter Bain

Mother: Jean Lithgow

Name: Creed D Bain

Birth: 29 Mar 1904 Bradley, Tennessee

Death: 30 MAR 1988 Bradley Co., TN

Father: George Edward BAIN

Mother: Susan Jones

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