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Name: William Askwith
Birth: 1817 Yorkshire, England
Death: 15 Jun 1870 Hullett Township, Ontario, Canada
Father: Thomas Askwith
Mother: Dorcas Robinson
Name: Lauran Everett Sweath
Birth: 1913 ID, USA
Death: 1990 Spokane City
Father: Willard Perkins Sweat
Mother: Laura Page
Name: Sophie Oswath
Birth: 20 May 1834 New York, United States
Death: 11 April 1895 Burnside, Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Father: Henry Oswath
Mother: Sophia Bosworth
Name: Henry Poate Aslatt
Birth: abt 1829 Southampton, Hampshire, England
Death: January 1905 Southampton, Hampshire, England
Father: John Aslatt
Mother: Hester Martha Colson
Name: Mary Massath
Birth: Dec 1873 Lake county, Indiana
Death: 18 Apr 1957 Stuttgart, Arkansas County, Arkansas
Father: Charles Karl Massoth
Mother: Anna Elisabeth Giesen
Name: Adolph Joseph Asbach
Birth: 1 Feb 1854 Davis City, Decatur County, Iowa, USA
Death: 3 July 1925 Piedmont, Alameda County, California, USA
Father: Johann Wilhelm Asbach
Mother: Veronika Proff
Name: Frank Howath
Birth: 1876 Hungary
Death: 04 May 1968 Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, United States
Father: Ferenc Frank Horvath
Mother: Vera Veronica Szalai
Name: Anton W Asmuth
Birth: 19 Dec 1851 Ebbewalde, Fuontenchum, Waldark, Germany
Death: 03Jan1912 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Father: Anton Peter Asmuth
Mother: Elisabeth Bergenthal
Name: Thomas Fredrick Asmuth
Death: 1979 Lakeland, Polk, Florida, USA
Father: John William Asmuth
Mother: Meta Peters
Name: Rev Askwith
Birth: 1859 Ripon, Yorkshire, England
Death: 18 Mar 1934 Isle of Wight, England
Father: Thomas Askwith
Mother: Sarah Nowell Johnson
Name: William F Sabath
Birth: 28 Feb 1861 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States
Death: 9 Oct 1937 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States
Father: Wilhelm Heinrich Sabath
Mother: Augusta Schmidt
Name: George Harold Asmuth
Birth: 21 Jun 1906 ROCHESTER
Death: 21 Feb 1984 Melbourne Beach, Brevard, Florida, United States of America
Father: George F Asmuth
Mother: Mamie E Clifford
Name: Joseph Howath
Birth: September 28, 1916 Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: April 05, 1977 Taylor, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA
Father: Joseph J. Horvat (Howarth)
Mother: Josephine Brower (Braur)
Name: Melvin R Karwath
Birth: 10 Mar 1925 Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States
Death: 28 Dec 1982 Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States
Father: Alonzo Henry Karwath
Mother: Elsie Elizabeth Fries
Name: Harry Sarath
Birth: November 4, 1884 Canada English
Death: February 28, 1948 New York, USA
Father: Abraham Sarath
Mother: Augusta (Goldie) Rosenstein (Sarath)
Name: Johann Wilhelm Asbach
Birth: 22 Feb 1812 Oberdollendorf,Prussia
Death: 11 Apr 1882 Davis City, Decatur, Iowa
Father: Johann Asbach
Mother: Anna Gertrud Schäfer
Name: Catharine Oswath
Birth: 1825 Canada
Death: 10 July 1911 Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan, USA
Father: Mathias Oswald
Mother: Hannah Acre
Name: William Marlie Sabath
Birth: 27 May 1898 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Death: 24 June 1981 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Father: William F Sabath
Mother: Rose Lucille Marlie
Name: Robert Stolz Asmuth
Birth: 13Jun1920 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Death: 09Mar2006 Naples, Collier, Florida, USA
Father: Anton Wilhelm Asmuth
Mother: Jane Ellsworth Schumacher
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