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Results for "asfoot"

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Name: Thomas Ascott

Birth: Jan 1859 Halberton, Devon, England

Death: July 1914 Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire

Father: Henry Ascott

Mother: Jane Parkhouse

Name: Edward Alflot

Birth: 1804 North Runcton, Norfolk, England

Death: 5 Oct 1884 Freebridge Lynn, Norfolk

Father: William Allflett

Mother: Frances Goodwin

Name: Samuel Barfoot

Birth: 1849 Ticehurst, Sussex, England

Death: 1903 Ticehurst Sussex

Father: James Barfoot

Mother: Catharine Kemp

Name: Harry Leon Aufort

Birth: 1894 San Rafael, Marin, CA

Death: 12 Feb 1966 Sunol, Alameda Co., California

Father: William "Guillaume" Aufort

Mother: Victorine Josephine Deveau

Name: Louisa BARFOOT

Birth: bef 28 Jun 1825 Spetisbury, Blandford, Dorset, England

Death: December 1861 Spetisbury, Dorset, England

Father: William Barfoot

Mother: Anne Harvey

Name: Susanna (Susannah) Barfoot

Birth: 1781 Winterborne Zelstone, Dorset, England

Death: 1 Oct 1864 Bloxworth, Dorset, England

Father: James Barfoot

Mother: elizabeth downton

Name: Charles George Barfoot

Birth: 12 November 1881 Portsea Island, Hampshire, England

Death: 27 Mar 1963 Beach Haven, Ocean, New Jersey, USA

Father: Charles George Barfoot

Mother: Emily Barlow

Name: Digory HARFOOT

Birth: 21 Feb 1869 North Hill, Cornwall, England

Death: 03 Dec 1947 Norway, Dickinson, Michigan, USA

Father: Silas Harfoot

Mother: Isabella Maddever

Name: Charles A Barfoot

Birth: 6 Dec 1871 Oxenden, Keppel, Ontario, Canada

Death: 16 Apr 1951 Shallow Lake, Grey, Ontario, Canada

Father: Charles Anson Barfoot

Mother: * Walpole

Name: Barfoot

Birth: 28 Feb 1926 Franklin County, Mississippi, USA

Death: 17 Oct 2011 Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Mississippi, USA

Father: Samuel T Barfoot

Mother: Mattie Estelle Griffing

Name: Ethel E Barfoot

Birth: 14 Mar 1875 Virginia, United States

Death: 23 Aug 1962 Richmond, Richmond (Ind. City), Virginia, USA

Father: William A Barfoot

Mother: Emma Farmer

Name: Chas. J. Barfoot

Birth: abt 1863 Devonport, Devon, England

Death: 1938 Fylde, Lancashire, England, Lancashire, England

Father: Charles John Barfoot

Mother: Eliza Johanna Yeo

Name: Charlie Annoot

Birth: 4 August 1892 Texas

Death: 19 May 1973 Houston,, Texas, USA

Father: Albert Annoot

Mother: Odile Cleophine Henry

Name: Selena Barfoot

Birth: 04 Jun 1880 Texas, USA

Death: 31 Jan 1966 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, USA

Father: John Ezekial Barefoot

Mother: Elisabeth Hunter

Name: Sandee Yvonne Barfoot

Birth: 30 Jul 1947 Denver

Death: 26 September 1989 Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado, USA

Father: Harley B Barfoot

Mother: Ina May Leslie

Name: selina barfoot

Birth: 1900 Liverpool England

Death: Dec 1993 Birkenhead, Cheshire, England

Father: Charles Smith Barfoot

Mother: Joanna Thompson

Name: Nellie M Ascott

Birth: Abt 1873 Wisconsin

Death: 13 Sep 1968 San Mateo County, California, USA

Father: John Hutson

Mother: Mary Ann Mann

Name: Clara Jewel Barfoot

Birth: 4 Dec 1891 Barfoot Ranch, Dos Cabezas, Cochise, Arizona

Death: 20 Aug 1986 Cochise County, Arizona

Father: Redding Malcolm Barfoot

Mother: Julia Ann Lemmons

Name: Henry Carfoot

Birth: abt 1864 Cannock Wood, Staffordshire, England

Death: Jul/Aug/Sep 1918 Durham, United Kingdom

Father: John Carfoot

Mother: Mary Ann Harriman

Name: Thomas Parfoot

Birth: 1808 Priors Dean Hampshire England

Death: Mar 1892 Petersfield, Hampshire, England

Father: Thomas Parfoot

Mother: Mary Etherington

Name: Henry Thomas Parfoot

Birth: January 1864 Priors Dean, Petersfield, Hampshire, England

Death: Oct 1918 Petworth, Sussex, , England

Father: George Parfoot

Mother: Louisa Digweed Vidler

Name: Grady A Barfoot

Birth: 6 Oct 1923 Coffee County, Alabama, USA

Death: 16 Jul 2009 Orlando, Orange, Florida

Father: Perry Cleveland Barfoot

Mother: Maudie Lee Coon

Name: Mary Alfont

Birth: Feb 1828 Pennsylvania

Death: March 23, 1904 Fortville, Hancock County, Indiana

Father: William 'Bill' Alfont

Mother: Elizabeth Freeburn

Name: Emma Elizabeth Garfoot

Birth: 7 May 1874 Poplar, London, England

Death: 29 Jan 1949 Huntingdonshire, Huntingdon, England

Father: John GARFOOT

Mother: Ann HARDING

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