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Results for "andwick"

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Name: Hazel M Aldrick

Birth: abt 1904 Minnesota

Death: 24 Aug 1995 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Carl Johnson

Mother: Emma Johannesdotter Erickson

Name: Ora Andrick

Birth: 11 Mar 1875 Pickaway, Shelby, Illinois, USA

Death: 17 Oct 1949 Oklahoma City, Canadian, Oklahoma, USA

Father: William Henry Andrick

Mother: Harriet Piper

Name: James Charles Andrick

Birth: 17 Mar 1957 Parkersburg, Wood, West Virginia, USA

Death: 13 Jun 2002 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States

Father: Roy Robert Andrick

Mother: Wilma June Lemon

Name: Gertrude Sandwick

Birth: abt 1892 Wisconsin

Death: 7 Sep 1966 Two Harbors, Lake, Minnesota, USA

Father: Gust Anderson

Mother: Anna Olivia Pearson

Name: Harry M Sandwick

Birth: 01 Oct 1925 Omio School Dist., Emmons Co., ND

Death: 17 Jun 1999 Emmons Co., ND

Father: Lawrence R Sandwick

Mother: Hilda Goletta Vanderburg

Name: David H. Andrick

Birth: 1844 Ohio

Death: 12 June 1922 Hancock County, Indiana, USA

Father: John Andrick

Mother: Giddy Stout**

Name: john l andrick

Birth: 15 Aug 1856 Shenandoah, Virginia

Death: 26 MAY 1882 city, county, state, United States

Father: Joseph Peter Andrick

Mother: Elizabeth Hess

Name: Thomas Alnwick

Birth: January 1856 Darlington, Durham, England

Death: 29 Mar 1935 Darlington, Durham, England

Father: Robert Alnwick

Mother: Margaret Mexon (Megson)

Name: Edward Anolick

Birth: abt 1907 Michigan

Death: Aug 1983 Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Frank Joe Anolick/Anolik

Mother: Julia Dombicki

Name: Mary Sandwick

Birth: 1771 Keld, Swaledale, Yorkshire

Death: Oct 1837 Keld, Yorkshire, England

Father: John Sandwick

Mother: Margaret Barrow

Name: Edmund Andrick

Birth: 22 March 1899 Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, United States of America

Death: Mar 1971 Saint Georges, New Castle County, Delaware, USA

Father: Henry Otto Andrick

Mother: Anna Matilda Andrick

Name: Kenneth Leroy Andrick

Birth: 15 JUN 1915 OH

Death: 5 Nov 1987 Columbus, Fairfield, Ohio, USA

Father: Marcus Andrick

Mother: Iva Cassel

Name: Mary A. Andrick

Birth: 1840 Winchester, Adams, Ohio, USA

Death: 09 Dec 1918 Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, USA

Father: James Hatch

Mother: Delilah McGlaughlin

Name: Anne Cadwick

Birth: abt 1826 Grindon, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1884 New Zealand

Father: Lawrence Chadwick

Mother: Anne Parkes

Name: Emma S ENDRICK

Birth: 12 October 1873 Bainbridge Center, Berrien County, Michigan, United States of America

Death: 02 Nov 1948 Bainbridge, Berrien, Michigan, USA

Father: Jacob Endrick

Mother: Margaret Smithberger

Name: Andreas (Andrew) Andrich

Birth: 6 Aug 1815 Parish St.s Peter and Paul, Dieburg, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany

Death: 19 Jan 1896 Elora, Wellington, Ontario

Father: Franz Stephan Andrich

Mother: Juliana Weber

Name: George Washington Andrick

Birth: 9 Apr 1858 Barbour, West Virginia, USA

Death: 25 Sep 1910 Barbour, West Virginia, USA

Father: Henry Andrick

Mother: Salome Pfau

Name: Lawrence Sandwick

Birth: abt 1909 Illinois

Death: 27 Oct 1970 Rockford, Winnebago Co., Illinois, USA

Father: Johan/John Andersen Sandvik/Sandwick

Mother: Engelina Rasmussen

Name: Lovett Huston Andrick

Birth: 4 June 1879 Franklin, Ohio

Death: 15 November 1956 Knox, Ohio, USA

Father: John W. Andrix

Mother: Sarah Kidner

Name: * Andrick

Birth: 09 Apr 1856 Columbia Furnance, Shenandoah, VA

Death: 26 Mar 1933 Shenandoah Co, Virginia, USA

Father: George A Andrick * ^

Mother: Elizabeth Mumaw * ^

Name: Frank (Franz) Angrick

Birth: Aug 1862 Königsberg, Giessen, Hessen, Germany

Death: 1938 Indianapolis, Hamilton, Indiana, USA

Father: Peter Angrick

Mother: Gertrude Reski

Name: Ole Andreas Sandwick

Birth: Apr 1870 Norway

Death: 13 Mar 1952 Boring, Clackamas, Oregon

Father: Anund Hansen

Mother: Anne Baekkevar

Name: Mildred Andrick

Birth: 9 Apr 1921 Okemos Ingha, Michigan

Death: 16 Sep 2001 Haslett, Ingham, Michigan, USA

Father: Frank Stanley Blackledge

Mother: Hazel Fay Gates

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