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Results for "ailio"

Name: Carl H Ailio

Birth: Dec 1918 Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, USA

Death: 2005 California, USA

Father: Frank E Ailis

Mother: Anna A Ailis

Name: Aulis Ilmari Ailio

Birth: 8 AUG 1905 Kymi, Viipurin lääni, Finland

Death: 30 JUN 1941

Father: Ilmari Mikael Andersson or Ailio

Mother: Hilma Vanhala

Name: Erkki Valdemar Ailio

Birth: 28 JUL 1907 Kymi, Viipurin lääni, Finland

Death: Not Available

Father: Ilmari Mikael Ailio

Mother: Hilma Vanhala

Name: Irja Ailio

Birth: 25 JUN 1911 Kymi, Viipurin lääni, Finland

Death: Not Available

Father: Ilmari Mikael Andersson or Ailio

Mother: Hilma Vanhala

Name: Lauri Olavi Ailio

Birth: 10 FEB 1913 Kymi, Viipurin lääni, Finland

Death: Not Available

Father: Ilmari Mikael Andersson or Ailio

Mother: Hilma Vanhala

Name: Toini Ailio

Birth: 31 DEC 1908 Kymi, Viipurin lääni, Finland

Death: Not Available

Father: Ilmari Mikael Andersson or Ailio

Mother: Hilma Vanhala

Name: Marja Kustaava Ailio

Birth: 24 Mar 1858 Kuivaniemi, Oulun Laani, Finland

Death: After 1907 Ii, Oulun Laani, Finland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Julius Edvard Ax Ailio

Birth: 19 Jul 1872 Loppis, Finland

Death: 4 Mar 1933 Helsingfors, Finland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Tauno Johannes Ailio

Birth: 21 Aug 1907

Death: 14 Dec 1985

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Martti Ailio

Birth: 09/21/1944 Helsinki

Death: 4102002 Hanko

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: John Christian Ailio

Birth: 30.6.1973

Death: 2007 Turku, Lansi-Suomen Laani, Finland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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