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Results for "ailiger"

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Name: Harriet Billger

Birth: 03 Aug 1854 Clay, Auglaize, Ohio, USA

Death: 31 Mar 1927 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: Eli S CASTLE

Mother: Abigail Eliza Bailey

Name: Susan Malissa Alleger

Birth: 8 Jun 1934 Crane Stone, Missouri

Death: 5 Sep 1998 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA

Father: Floyd S Alleger

Mother: Jewel Clementine Gimlen

Name: John Allgier

Birth: abt 1858 Indiana

Death: UNKNOWN Michigan, USA

Father: Johan Eberh Allgeyer

Mother: Wilhelmina Friderike Hausser

Name: Maria Allinger

Birth: 1857 Indiana, USA

Death: 1937 Kansas, USA

Father: Johann Heinrich Allinger

Mother: Elisabeth Catharine Schaaf

Name: Charles Allinger

Birth: ABT 1861 Indiana

Death: 16 Mar 1936 Clackamas, Clackamas, Oregon, United States

Father: Johann Heinrich Allinger

Mother: Elisabeth Catharine Schaaf

Name: Jesse Matlack Armiger

Birth: 26 May 1883 Ind.

Death: 14 May 1934 New Palestine, Indiana

Father: William Armiger

Mother: Martha Jane Matlack

Name: John H Armiger

Birth: 1820 Anne Arundel County MD

Death: 1901 Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Father: Thomas Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Hill

Name: Henry Aslinger

Birth: March 31, 1917 TN

Death: 24 MAY 1971 Briceville, Anderson Co., TN.

Father: Willis Aslinger

Mother: Caroline Braden

Name: Cornelius Wyckoff Alliger

Birth: 23 Jun 1854 Accord, Rochester, Ulster, NY

Death: 10 November 1931 Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Elijah Cornelius Alliger

Mother: Phoebe Jane Ostrum

Name: Ann Armiger

Birth: 1810 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, England

Death: 09 Mar 1890 South Creake, Norfolk

Father: Samuel Armiger

Mother: Elizabeth Bernard

Name: Sarah Armiger

Birth: 05 JUN 1821 Great Walsingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom

Death: Oct 1894 Walsingham, Norfolk,

Father: John Beck

Mother: Elizabeth Riseborough

Name: Paul Fibiger

Birth: 12 Mar 1894 Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States

Death: 25 January 1972 Plymouth, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin

Father: *Wilhelm Fibiger

Mother: *Matilda Beiersdorf

Name: John Herbert Armiger

Birth: 14 Oct 1895 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA

Death: 25 Mar 1974 Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA

Father: John William Armiger

Mother: Laura Mae KING

Name: Giles John alleger

Birth: 1834 , Orange, Indiana

Death: Before 1910 , Jasper, Missouri, USA

Father: Robert Allegre

Mother: Nancy A Phillips

Name: Thomas Armiger

Birth: 1708 Weeting, Norfolk, England

Death: 1779 Necton, Norfolk, England

Father: Thomas Armiger

Mother: Jane Freeman

Name: Stella Aslinger

Birth: abt 1900 Tennessee

Death: 24 Dec 1960 Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, USA

Father: Dock Gordon Aslinger

Mother: Allice E Ambern

Name: Anne R Allgier

Birth: 1 Nov 1906 Michigan

Death: 27 Feb 1992 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan

Father: August A Allgeier

Mother: Alma M Ligney

Name: Frances (Fanny) Armiger

Birth: 24 Mar 1872 Sculthorpe, Norfolk, England

Death: Jun 1945 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England

Father: John Armiger

Mother: Hetty Vertigans

Name: Charles Anliker

Birth: 27 Feb 1875 Ohio

Death: 4 Feb 1955 West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa, USA

Father: John Anliker

Mother: Elizabeth Rothlisberger

Name: Bert Arthur Alligier

Birth: 17 October 1892 Uniontown, Whitman County, Washington, USA

Death: 27 Sep 1963 Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho

Father: Clement Charles Alligier

Mother: Anne Elizabeth Pinch

Name: Marinda A Alleger

Birth: 22 jan 1857 , Linn, Missouri, USA

Death: 30 july 1914 Linn,Mo

Father: Giles John Allegre

Mother: Ann Elizabeth Slack

Name: Avis Etholyn BILLGER

Birth: 22 June 1919 Nebraska

Death: 31 Jan 1995 Santa Clara

Father: Harvey Salathiel BILLGER

Mother: Gertrude Florence Shafer

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