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Results for "aguoli"

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Name: Pasqualina Fagioli

Birth: 4 Aug 1883 Civitella del Tronto, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy

Death: 15 Dec 1967 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Davidde Faggioli

Mother: Mariana Damiani

Name: Maria Arioli

Birth: 08 DEC 1916 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA

Death: 27 Jun 1992 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA

Father: Giuseppe Arioli

Mother: Annacleta Bianchi

Name: Louis Aguglia

Birth: 19 Dec 1881 Cerda, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

Death: 4 Oct 1960 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA

Father: Guiseppe Aguglia

Mother: Rosaria "Rose" IMBURGIA Aguglia

Name: Rose Augeli

Birth: abt 1917 Pennsylvania

Death: 3 Sep 1968 Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Umberto Augelli

Mother: Margaret Gramigna

Name: Earnest O Angoli

Birth: 8/6/1884 Brandenberg, Germany

Death: 1957 Milwaukee

Father: Oswaldo J Angoli

Mother: Florentina "Florentine" Hellriegl Angoli

Name: Anna M. Aguglia

Birth: Sep 1888 Bristol, PA

Death: 25 Jul 1961 Chester, PA

Father: Joseph F Aguglia

Mother: Magdalena Nahrgang

Name: Francisca Aguila

Birth: 8 November 1915 Arecibo, Arecibo Municipality, Puerto Rico, United States of America

Death: 24 August 1985 Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Pedro Aguila Gonzalez

Mother: Carolina Santiago

Name: Victor Aguzzi

Birth: 23 Mar 1924 Mississippi

Death: Feb 2004 Cleveland, Bolivar, Mississippi, United States

Father: Nazzareno Julie Aguzzi

Mother: Ersilia Fioranelli

Name: Florentine Angoli

Birth: Mar 1897 Michigan, United States

Death: 19 Feb 1992 Parkersburg, Wood, WV

Father: Oswaldo J Angoli

Mother: Florentina "Florentine" Hellriegl Angoli

Name: Minnie M Aggola

Birth: 7 May 1895 Wall Lake, Minnehaha, South Dakota, United States

Death: 15 APR 1980 Orange Co., California, USA

Father: george kalb sr

Mother: Amanda Christina Nicholson

Name: Gandolfo Aguglia

Birth: 5 Jun 1897 Montemaggiore Belsito, Palermo, Italy

Death: 25 Mar 1996 Los Angeles, California

Father: Guiseppe Aguglia

Mother: Gandelfa Aguglia Giorrino

Name: Charles Fagioli


Death: 01 Feb 1926 31 Wakefield Street St Pancras

Father: Joseph Fagioli

Mother: Ruth Luckcuck

Name: William Augold

Birth: 1841 Middlesex, England

Death: 15 Sep 1904 Middlesex, England

Father: Henry Loney Angold

Mother: Mary Ann Poynton

Name: Guiseppe Arioli

Birth: abt 1892 Italy

Death: 15 September 1964 Rochester, Monroe County, New York, United States of America

Father: Francesco Arioli

Mother: Nunziata Lippa

Name: Victor James Guoli

Birth: 13 Jun 1899 Indiana

Death: Nov 1957 Mecca, Parke, Indiana, USA

Father: John (Giovanni) Guoli

Mother: Maria Pesavento

Name: Laurence Ascoli

Birth: 9 Apr 1909 vieste, italy

Death: 10 Nov 1996 Midlothian, Chesterfield, Virginia, United States of America

Father: Vincenzo 'Vincent' Ascoli

Mother: Anna Grimo

Name: Pietro Arioli

Birth: 23 Feb 1882 Rome, Italy

Death: 17 Jun 1944 ALAMEDA, California

Father: Giovanni Antonio Arioli

Mother: Eleonora Sarnia Molinari

Name: Vito Nicolo Anguili

Birth: 04 Sep 1891 Montrone, Bari, Puglia, Italy

Death: 5 Jun 1958 Clallam County, Washington, USA

Father: Nicola Angiuli

Mother: Berma Feri

Name: Mary Adioli

Birth: abt 1901 Italy

Death: 28 Dec 1977 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA

Father: Michael Andiola (Andriola?)

Mother: Lebria Marie Audiola

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