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Results for "adicko"

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Name: Henry Wm Adickes

Birth: 23 JAN 1912 New York

Death: 11 Dec 1992 Coram, Suffolk, New York, USA

Father: Henry Adickes

Mother: Esther Bernberg

Name: James Apicco

Birth: 10 May 1894 Massachusetts

Death: 15 Jul 1972 Massachusetts

Father: Michael Iapicca

Mother: Mariarazia Pesce

Name: Fred Emil Dickow

Birth: 3 Nov 1886 Ohio, USA

Death: 9 September 1947 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Wilhelm Dickow

Mother: Ottilia Wilhelmina Frank

Name: Julia Flicko

Birth: Mar 1860 Poland/Hungary/Austria

Death: 15 Jul 1940 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Andrew Felicko

Mother: Maria Sefcik

Name: Raymond Addicks

Birth: Jul 20, 1903 Maple Lake, Wright Co, Minnesota, USA

Death: May 13, 1965 Vancouver, Clark Co, Washington, USA

Father: Johann Addicks

Mother: Mary Holzem

Name: Charles Nels Addicks

Birth: 28 Mar 1903 Mississippi

Death: Aug 1978 Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, United States of America

Father: Carl Addicks or Adecks

Mother: Nelsena J Nelson

Name: Eddie Dainko

Birth: 1901 Illinois

Death: 18 Jul 1967 Joliet

Father: Andrew L Dainko

Mother: Maria Marasz

Name: Andrew Adamko

Birth: 1884 Czechoslovakia

Death: 1957 Youngstown, Ohio

Father: Andreas Adamko

Mother: Mary Polka

Name: Ernst Friedrick Adickes

Birth: 27 Jun 1882 germany

Death: 1945 Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Ludwig Adickes

Mother: Anna Adickes

Name: Cora Adicks

Birth: 11 September 1891 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, USA

Death: 27 October 1967 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, USA

Father: Issac Franklin KITTRELL

Mother: Josephine Sophia DeWitt

Name: Anna Lee Adickes

Birth: 9 Jul 1862 South Carolina

Death: 6 Apr 1947 York, York, South Carolina, United States

Father: Henning Frederick Adickes

Mother: Mary Lavonia Withers

Name: Elizabeth Dickon

Birth: 1762 Knottingley, Yorkshire, England

Death: 29 Jul 1798 South Hiendley, Barnsley, Yorkshire, England

Father: Richard DICKON

Mother: Mary Leake

Name: Richard Carl Dickow

Birth: 27 March 1898 Gresham, Shawano, Wisconsinha

Death: 25 August 1943 Wisconsin

Father: Albert Lloyd Dickow Sr.

Mother: Wilhelmina "Minnie" Schmidt

Name: Ann Margarette Addicks

Birth: abt 1910 Stroh, LaGrange County, Indiana, United States of America

Death: 23 June 1989 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA

Father: Diedrich C Addicks

Mother: May Ursula Anstett

Name: Elisabeth Adickes

Birth: 5 Jan 1887 Franklin, Wright, Minnesota, United States

Death: 15 Sept 1961 Watertown, Crow Wing, Minnesota, USA

Father: Johann Addicks

Mother: Amelia Evertsbecker Boerner

Name: Albert Jacob Adickes

Birth: 16 Mar 1879 Franklin, Renville, Minnesota, USA

Death: 5 Jan 1972 Montrose, Wright, Minnesota, USA

Father: Johann Addicks

Mother: Amelia Evertsbecker Boerner

Name: John Edward Addicks

Birth: 15 Dec 1813 Pennsylvania

Death: 04 Jan 1883 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Addicks

Mother: Mary Barbara O'Sullivan Addicks

Name: Ernest Johann Dickow

Birth: 3 Mar 1886 Jastrow, Kreis Deutsch Krone, West Prussia, Prussia

Death: 21 Dec 1966 Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Frederick DICKOW

Mother: Bertha Pommering

Name: Lillian Adiska

Birth: 22 Nov 1915 Africa, Spalding, Georgia, United States

Death: 18 November 2004 Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan, United States

Father: Edward Ernest Adiska

Mother: Elizabeth L Gable

Name: J Edward Addicks

Birth: 1841 Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Death: 07 Aug 1919 New York City, New York, USA

Father: John Addicks

Mother: Margaretta McLeod Turner

Name: Jean Dickow

Birth: abt 1928 New York

Death: 24 Jun 2006 Auburn, Cayuga County, New York, United States of America

Father: William Paul Dickow

Mother: Esther Agnes Hayden

Name: Dorothy Adzick

Birth: abt 1917 Missouri

Death: 24 Sep 2013 Somerset, Pulaski, Kentucky, USA

Father: Zivko N. Adzick

Mother: Vidosara Bolanovich Adzich

Name: Irene Adickes

Birth: 1 Nov 1912 Delano, Wright, Minnesota, USA

Death: 28 Mar 1995 Delano, MN

Father: Albert Jacob Adickes

Mother: Evalena Krause

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