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Results for "aasumb"

Name: Antonette Aasumb

Birth: 4 March 1865 Winger, Norway

Death: 4 October 1932 Grand Forks County, North Dakota, United States of America

Father: Hans Aasumd

Mother: Karen Aasumd Aasumd

Name: Carrie Andria Aasumb

Birth: 5 Jun 1879 Donnelly, Minnesota

Death: 31 Jul 1944 Stevens County, Minnesota, USA

Father: Ole Olson

Mother: Rangdine Degru

Name: Marie Aasumb

Birth: 14 May 1862 Norway

Death: 29 Jan 1908 Stevens, Minnesota, USA

Father: John Olsen Aasumb

Mother: Anne Aasumb

Name: Karen A Aasumb

Birth: Jun 1876 Minnesota

Death: 31 Jul 1944 Stevens County, Minnesota, United States of America

Father: Ole Olson Aasumb

Mother: Randine Amundsdatter Holt

Name: Ottilia J Aasumb

Birth: 26 December 1869 Norway

Death: 1 October 1900 Minnesota, USA

Father: Ole Olson

Mother: Rangdine Degru

Name: Karen A Aasumb

Birth: Jun 1876 Minnesota

Death: Not Available

Father: Ole Olson

Mother: Karen Andrine Liútzen

Name: Marie Aasumb

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Guirane 1870 Laura

Name: Annie Aasumb

Birth: abt 1872 Norway

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Anne Aasumb

Name: Anne Aasumb

Birth: Feb 1829 Norway

Death: 13 March 1914 Minnesota, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Vivian Lucille Aasumb

Birth: 1 Dec 1922 Stevens, Minnesota, USA

Death: 3/2013 Brooklyn Park, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: John Olsen Aasumb

Birth: Feb 1826 Norway

Death: 25 Apr 1905 Stevens County, Minnesota, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Othelia Aasumb

Birth: Abt. 1875

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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