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Results for "William Thormahlen"

1 - 19 of 19 Records

William Howard Thormahlen - 1920 to 2010

Birth: 29 July 1920 Oakland, Alameda, California, USAbirth0

Death: 23 Jul 2010 Ukiah, Mendocino, California, USAdeath0


Father: Ernest Thormahlen

Mother: Margaret May Young

William Henry Thormahlen - 1947 to 2013

Birth: 21 Dec 1947 Vernon, Wilbarger, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 8 Mar 2013 Fontana, San Bernardino, California, USAdeath1


Father: Antonio William Thormahlen

Mother: Mary Lou Elliott

William Thormahlen - 1877 to 1938

Birth: 12 Nov 1877 Bowen, Queensland, Australiabirth2

Death: 8 Jul 1938 Queeensland, Australiadeath2


Father: Johann George Thormahlen

Mother: Maria Andresen

William Thormahlen - 1877 to 1938

Birth: 12 Nov 1877 Bowen, Queensland, Australiabirth3

Death: 8 Jul 1938 Queeensland, Australiadeath3


Father: Johann George Thormahlen

Mother: Maria Andresen

William John Thormahlen - 1904 to 1960

Birth: 1904 Queenslandbirth4

Death: 1960 Queenslanddeath4


Father: William Thormahlen

Mother: Fanny Emily Kyle

William G Thormahlen - 1852 to 1936

Birth: 11 Sep 1852 Germanybirth5

Death: 26 Mar 1936 Bay City, Bay County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath5


Father: August W Thormahlen

Mother: Marguerita Kohl

William Henry Thormahlen - 1871 to 1913

Birth: 13 SEP 1871 Texas, USAbirth6

Death: 17 MAR 1913 Canton, Van Zandt Co, TXdeath6


Father: Andros Antonio William Thormahlen

Mother: Susan Lenora Adams

William Carl Thormahlen - 1884 to 1963

Birth: 31 Oct 1884 Yorktown, De Witt, Texas, USAbirth7

Death: 23 Aug 1963 Tivoli, Refugio, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Friederich Anton Hermann " Anton " THORMÄHLEN ( THORMAEHLEN )

Mother: Christina Saunder

William James Thormahlen - 1988

Birth: 17 Jun 1988 Red Lodge, Carbon, Montana, USAbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Dawson James Thormahlen

Mother: Cindy Sue Stinar

Female IconMale Icon

William Thormahlen

Birth: Not Available

Death: 8 Jul 1938 Queenslanddeath9


Father: Johann George Thormahlen

Mother: Maria Andresen

William Thormahlen - 1881

Birth: May 1881 Germanybirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Thormahlen

Mother: Grace Walters

William Thormahlen - 1881

Birth: May 1881 Germanybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Thormahlen

Mother: Grace Walters

William Thormahlen - 1943 to 2005

Birth: 1 May 1943

Death: 2 Apr 2005 Dover, Morris, New Jerseydeath12


Father: William R Thormahlen

Mother: Rose Seputas

William R Thormahlen - 1910

Birth: abt 1910 United Statesbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Julius Thormahlen

Mother: Not Available

William Thormahlen - 1896

Birth: 1896 Germanybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Martha Thormahlen

William Thormahlen - 1887

Birth: 6 May 1887

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Thormahlen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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