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Results for "William Rawson"

1 - 25 of 1,986 Records

William RAWSON - 1808 to 1876

Birth: 1808 Newark, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth0

Death: Q4 1876 Newark, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath0


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Charlotte Best

William Joseph Rawson - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 7 APR 1889 Plympton Twp.,Ontario,Canadabirth1

Death: 1 Sep 1973 Petrolia, Lambton, Ontario, Canadadeath1


Father: Thomas Andrew Rawson

Mother: Emma Hiscott

William Rawson - 1837 to 1907

Birth: 24 May 1837 South Collingham, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 1907 yorkshire englanddeath2


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Elizabeth Body

William Owen Rawson - 1877 to 1920

Birth: 12 Apr 1877 ?, Morgan, MO, USAbirth3

Death: 07 Feb 1920 Lake City, Hinsdale, Colorado, USAdeath3


Father: Thomas Rawson

Mother: Jane Ellen Owen

William E Rawson - 1934 to 1998

Birth: 23 Jul 1934 Missouribirth4

Death: 1998 Tennesseedeath4


Father: Elmer Rawson

Mother: Goldie Emma Whitter

William E Rawson - 1934 to 1998

Birth: 23 Jul 1934 Missouribirth5

Death: 1998 Tennesseedeath5


Father: Elmer Rawson

Mother: Goldie Emma Whitter

William Knudsen Rawson - 1917 to 1993

Birth: 1917/02/06 Provo, Utah, Utahbirth6

Death: 10 Mar 1993 Rockville, Montgomery, Maryland, United Statesdeath6


Father: William Dixon Rawson

Mother: Lydia Christine Knudsen

William RAWSON - 1808 to 1876

Birth: 1808 Newark, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth7

Death: Q4 1876 Newark, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath7


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Charlotte Best

William A Rawson - 1914 to 1995

Birth: 1 July 1914 Seattle, King, Washingtonbirth8

Death: 1 Nov 1995 Centralia, Lewis, WA USAdeath8


Father: Charles Rawson

Mother: Anna Louise Rawson

William Halsey Rawson - 1880 to 1965

Birth: 10 Feb 1880 Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Islandbirth9

Death: 17 May 1965 Pawtucket, PROVIDENCE, RIdeath9


Father: Halsey Carpenter Rawson

Mother: Esther Imogene Jenckes

William Rawson - 1943 to 1998

Birth: 16 Apr 1943 Carthage, Leake, Mississippi, USAbirth10

Death: 28 May 1998 scott county msdeath10


Father: William Lee Rawson

Mother: Rosie Allen

William Rawson - 1891 to 1937

Birth: 25 Apr 1891 West Virginia, USAbirth11

Death: 11 Jan 1937 Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USAdeath11


Father: William Rawson

Mother: Sarah Meeker

William Owen Rawson - 1877 to 1920

Birth: 12 Apr 1877 ?, Morgan, MO, USAbirth12

Death: 07 Feb 1920 Lake City, Hinsdale, Colorado, USAdeath12


Father: Thomas Rawson

Mother: Jane Ellen Owen

William Rawson - 1837 to 1907

Birth: 24 May 1837 South Collingham, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 1907 yorkshire englanddeath13


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Elizabeth Body

William Rawson - 1891 to 1937

Birth: 25 Apr 1891 West Virginia, USAbirth14

Death: 11 Jan 1937 Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USAdeath14


Father: William Rawson

Mother: Sarah Meeker

William Rawson - 1867 to 1942

Birth: Jan 1867 Wisconsinbirth15

Death: 13 Dec 1942 The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, USAdeath15


Father: Lupton Rawson

Mother: Ellen Butler

William AUDLEY Rawson - 1893 to 1981

Birth: 5 Apr 1893 Sanilac County, Michigan, USAbirth16

Death: 27 Sept 1981 Plant City, Hillsborough, Florida, USAdeath16


Father: William Quartus Rawson

Mother: Euphemia Effie Ronald

william rawson - 1829 to 1904

Birth: 02 Jun 1829 New York, USAbirth17

Death: 29 Oct 1904 Nankin, Wayne, Michigandeath17


Father: Norman Luther Rawson

Mother: Elizabeth Betsy Pratt

William Charles Rawson - 1942 to 2003

Birth: 30 Sep 1942 Lockesburg, Sevier, Arkansasbirth18

Death: 2 Jun 2003 Lillian, Baldwin, Alabama death18


Father: Lavelle Rawson

Mother: Nettie Blanche Taylor Rawson

William A Rawson - 1914 to 1995

Birth: 1 July 1914 Seattle, King, Washingtonbirth19

Death: 1 Nov 1995 Centralia, Lewis, WA USAdeath19


Father: Charles Rawson

Mother: Anna Louise Rawson

William "Clyde" Rawson - 1928 to 1981

Birth: 18 Nov 1928 Texasbirth20

Death: Feb 1981 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, United Statesdeath20


Father: William ‘Clyde’ Rawson


William Rawson - 1837 to 1907

Birth: 24 May 1837 South Collingham, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth21

Death: 1907 yorkshire englanddeath21


Father: John Rawson

Mother: Elizabeth Body

William Benjamin Rawson - 1911 to 1976

Birth: 11 Apr 1911 Bonham, Fannin County, TXbirth22

Death: 21 Jun 1976 Ardmore, Carter County, OKdeath22


Father: Benjamin Rawson

Mother: Nora J Howard

William Randolph RAWSON - 1909 to 1975

Birth: 15 September 1909 San Augustine, San Augustine County, Texas, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 3 January 1975 New London, Rusk County, Texas, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Warren Rawson

Mother: Ella Maggie Prestridge

William Joseph Rawson - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 7 APR 1889 Plympton Twp.,Ontario,Canadabirth24

Death: 1 Sep 1973 Petrolia, Lambton, Ontario, Canadadeath24


Father: Thomas Andrew Rawson

Mother: Emma Hiscott

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