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Results for "William Myers"

1 - 25 of 18,536 Records

William Finis Myers - 1864 to 1941

Birth: 7 Dec 1864 Tennesseebirth0

Death: 12 Mar 1941 Weatherford, Parker, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: John Blackburn Moyers*

Mother: Adaline Cartright

William Myers - 1885 to 1965

Birth: 1885 Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 16 October 1965 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Franklin Tomer Myers

Mother: Henriette 'Nettie' Hirsch - Meyer - Myers

William Robert Myers - 1875 to 1959

Birth: June 20, 1875 Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowabirth2

Death: January 19, 1959 Marion, Linn County, Iowadeath2


Father: George Washington Myers

Mother: Barbara Elizabeth Monn

William Henry Myers - 1851 to 1922

Birth: 12 Aug 1851 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 05 Aug 1922 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: William Henry Myers

Mother: Matilda Brano Myers

William Myers - 1895 to 1958

Birth: 8/12/1895 , , Pennsylvania, USAbirth4

Death: 26 Mar 1958 Altoona, Blair, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Abednego Stevens Myers

Mother: Frances Hampton

William Myers - 1811 to 1880

Birth: abt 1811 Yorkshire, Englandbirth5

Death: 18 Jun 1880 Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire - West Ridingdeath5


Father: Joseph Myers

Mother: Ann Burrill

William Myers - 1851 to 1927

Birth: 26 Apr 1851 Ohio, USAbirth6

Death: 1927 Van Wert, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Abraham Myers

Mother: Catherine Hoover

William Nathaniel Myers - 1883 to 1967

Birth: 13 Mar 1883 Kansasbirth7

Death: 15 Oct 1967 San Fernando, Los Angeles, California, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Charles Rufus Myers

Mother: Mary Ellen Schwantes

William Myers - 1898 to 1963

Birth: 17 Jun 1898 Indianola Warren, Iowa, USAbirth8

Death: November/8/1963 Otis, COdeath8


Father: William Doughlas Myers

Mother: Adella Miller

William S. Myers - 1916 to 1990

Birth: 5 Jan 1916 Clay County, Indiana, USAbirth9

Death: 3 Jul 1990 INDIANAdeath9



Mother: Laura R Donham

William Howard Myers - 1883 to 1967

Birth: 04/05/1883 Summerhill, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: June 1967 Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvaniadeath10


Father: Oliver Perry Myers

Mother: Rachel Rager

William Augustus Myers - 1867 to 1921

Birth: Feb 23, 1867 Houghtston, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: 07 Dec 1921 Champaign County, Illinois, USAdeath11


Father: William Henry Myers

Mother: Lucinda Wier Wire

William Allison Myers - 1858 to 1938

Birth: 4 October 1858 Sullivan County, Missouri, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 28 April 1938 Humphreys, Sullivan County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath12


Father: William H Myers

Mother: Margaret Williams

WILLIAM RILEY MYERS - 1835 to 1908

Birth: 01 Mar 1835 Vigo, Indiana, United Statesbirth13

Death: 01 Jul 1908 Riley, Vigo, Indiana, United Statesdeath13


Father: John H Myers

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Sanders

William M Myers - 1884 to 1962

Birth: Sep 1884 Texasbirth14

Death: 1962 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, USAdeath14


Father: William Mills Myers

Mother: Lola Montez McKISSACK

William Myers - 1917 to 1992

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahomabirth15

Death: 03/Jun / 1992 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath15


Father: Eugene Gordon Myers

Mother: Agnes Baker

William H. Myers - 1858 to 1949

Birth: 14 AUG 1858 Greenwood, El Dorado, California, USAbirth16

Death: after 1949 likely Placerville, CAdeath16


Father: Lewis Bloom Myers

Mother: Catherine Mariah Lane

William Francis Myers - 1873 to 1935

Birth: 14 September 1873 Arkansas, United States of Americabirth17

Death: 12 Jun 1935 Logan, Arkansasdeath17


Father: Elihu Christian Myers

Mother: Sarah Alston Chambers

William Myers - 1873 to 1954

Birth: 8 Dec 1873 Maryville, Nodaway County, Missouri, United States of Americabirth18

Death: 5 Dec 1954 Maryville, Nodaway County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Henry Myers

Mother: Catherine Sturm


Birth: 31 DEC 1861 INDIANAbirth19

Death: 19 Aug 1954 Russellville, Putnam, Indiana, United Statesdeath19


Father: John W Myers

Mother: Mary Magdalene Strickler

William M. Myers - 1846 to 1929

Birth: 8 Apr 1846 Tuckaleechee Cove, Blount, Tennessee, United Statesbirth20

Death: 23 Nov 1929 Townsend, TNdeath20


Father: Henry Myers

Mother: Elizabeth A Cotter

William B Myers - 1887 to 1956

Birth: Oct 1887 Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: 14 Nov 1956 Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jerseydeath21


Father: Isaac Myers

Mother: Sarah A Stinger*^

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