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Results for "william gittins"

Name: William Bowen Gittins

Birth: 1842 Yockleton, Shropshire

Death: Mar 1928 Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England

Father: Henry Gittins

Mother: Mary Bromley

Name: William H Gittins

Birth: 1 Jan 1897 Coraopolis, Pennsylvania

Death: 27.Feb.1985 Aliquippa, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Harry Gittins

Mother: Lillian Elkins

Name: william Gittins

Birth: 1847 Manchester, Lancashire

Death: 15 Dec 1916 6, Barrington St., Toronto, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham

Father: Reece Gittins

Mother: Margaret Rogers

Name: William Gittins

Birth: 27 october 1801 shropshire

Death: 01 JAN 1881 New Shildon, Co. Durham, England

Father: William Gittins

Mother: Sarah Fletcher

Name: William Gittins

Birth: January 1849 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1911 Newport, Shropshire, England

Father: Samuel Gittins

Mother: Mary Ann Foulkes

Name: William Henry Gittins

Birth: Apr 1886 Broseley, Shropshire, England

Death: 27 Nov 1961 Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England

Father: Thomas Gittings

Mother: Ann Dudley

Name: William Gittins

Birth: 15 Apr 1782 Bishops Frome, Herefordshire, England

Death: Oct 1857 Bromyard, Herefordshire, England

Father: Timothy II Gittins

Mother: Elizabeth Gwillim

Name: William Gittins

Birth: 24 June 1722 Cleobury, Mortimer, Shropshire, England

Death: 1785 Martley, Worcestershire, England

Father: Edward Gittings

Mother: Mary Watmore

Name: William Thomas Gittins

Birth: 1858 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England

Death: April 1893 Staffordshire, United Kingdom


Mother: Louisa Smith

Name: William Ernest Gittins

Birth: 1877 Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Death: Sep 1964 Norton, Somerset, England

Father: Edward C. Gittins

Mother: Sarah Ann Pellins

Name: William Gittins

Birth: abt March 1841 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England

Death: Apr 1923 Hemsworth, Yorkshire West Riding, England

Father: Richard Gittins

Mother: Jane

Name: William Gittins

Birth: abt 1887 Runcorn, Cheshire, England

Death: Mar 1958 Northwich, Cheshire, England

Father: John Joseph Gittins

Mother: Hannah Roach

Name: William Gittins

Birth: abt 1820 Harmer Hill, Shropshire, England

Death: 1879 Liverpool

Father: John Gittins

Mother: Sarah Blower

Name: William Gittins

Birth: 1843 Sedgley, Staffordshire, England

Death: 1 Sep 1899 Hazelton, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Abraham Gittins

Mother: Phoebe Chatwin

Name: William Brian Gittins

Birth: 8 Aug 1968 Missoula, Missoula, Montana, USA

Death: 30 Jun 2019 Lolo, Missoula County, Montana, United States of America

Father: Lloyd Eggleston Gittins

Mother: Roberta Mecham

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