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Results for "William Deline"

1 - 25 of 137 Records

William W. Deline - 1842 to 1915

Birth: 7 Jan 1842 Cottage Grove, Dane, Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 31 Mar 1915 Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsindeath0


Father: JOHN Deline

Mother: ABIAH Wells

William W. Deline - 1842 to 1915

Birth: 7 Jan 1842 Cottage Grove, Dane, Wisconsinbirth1

Death: 31 Mar 1915 Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsindeath1


Father: JOHN Deline

Mother: ABIAH Wells

William N Deline - 1881 to 1968

Birth: 1 Apr 1881 Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 1968 Ontariodeath2


Father: Thomas Deline

Mother: Eliza Jane Fennell

William Arthur Deline - 1892 to 1967

Birth: 26 Jan 1892 Chatham, Kent, Ontario, Canada, birth3

Death: 23 Jun 1967 Brampton, Peel, Ontario, Canada, death3


Father: John Arthur Deline

Mother: Beatha Euphema Kendall

William DeLine - 1830 to 1912

Birth: 1830 Oswego County, New York, USA, birth4

Death: 6 Nov 1912 Parish, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Frederick Deline

Mother: Hannah Deline

William H Deline - 1889 to 1970

Birth: Mar 1889 New York, USAbirth5

Death: november 1970 Marcy, Oneida, New York, USAdeath5


Father: Charles B Deline

Mother: Ella Mixer

William Deline - 1867 to 1924

Birth: Abt. 1867 Upper Canadabirth6

Death: 28 Dec 1924 Havelock, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Nelson Deline

Mother: Alvina Caroline Deline

William H Deline - 1889 to 1970

Birth: Mar 1889 New York, USAbirth7

Death: november 1970 Marcy, Oneida, New York, USAdeath7


Father: Charles B Deline

Mother: Ella Mixer

William John Deline - 1890

Birth: 16 Dec 1890 Syracuse, Onondaga, New Yorkbirth8

Death: Not Available Onondaga, Onondaga, New York, USAdeath8


Father: William Henry Deline

Mother: Albertha Forrester

William John Deline - 1890

Birth: 16 Dec 1890 Syracuse, Onondaga, New Yorkbirth9

Death: Not Available Onondaga, Onondaga, New York, USAdeath9


Father: William Henry Deline

Mother: Albertha Forrester

William Deline - 1924 to 1998

Birth: 23 Dec 1924 Harvardbirth10

Death: 29 Jan 1998 Grand Rapids, Itasca Co., Minnesota, United Statesdeath10


Father: Edward Abraham Deline

Mother: Harriett Emmogene Hinckley

William Deline - 1924 to 1998

Birth: 23 Dec 1924 Harvardbirth11

Death: 29 Jan 1998 Grand Rapids, Itasca Co., Minnesota, United Statesdeath11


Father: Edward Abraham Deline

Mother: Harriett Emmogene Hinckley

William Henry Deline - 1842 to 1880

Birth: 1842 Rogers City, Presque Isle County, Michiganbirth12

Death: 10 April 1880 Lenawee Co, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: William Deline

Mother: Esther Bovee

William Deline - 1826

Birth: 20 Aug 1826 Stanstead, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canadabirth13

Death: Unknown


Father: Uriah "Ryer" Deline *

Mother: Mary Bradt

William J Deline - 1912

Birth: 14 March 1912 Onondaga County, New York, USAbirth14

Death: Not Available New York, USAdeath14


Father: William John Deline

Mother: Viola L Jeffery (Deline)(Arnold)(O'Tier)

William Herbert Deline - 1891 to 1989

Birth: December 31, 1891 Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United Statesbirth15

Death: April 16, 1989 Albion, Orleans, New York, United Statesdeath15


Father: Charles E Deline

Mother: Leonora M Norfolk

William Henry Deline - 1858 to 1929

Birth: 08 Sep 1858 Fontana, Walworth, Wisconsin, USAbirth16

Death: 26 May 1929 Harvard, McHenry, Illinois, USAdeath16


Father: Abraham Deline

Mother: Abigail Harriet Hollister

William Henry Deline - 1860 to 1937

Birth: Feb 1860 New Yorkbirth17

Death: 24 Jan 1937 Manhatten, New Yorkdeath17


Father: William Deline

Mother: Mary Jane Miller

William H Deline - 1832 to 1855

Birth: Dec 1832 New Yorkbirth18

Death: 21 Feb 1855 Eaton, Madison, New Yorkdeath18


Father: Martin Deline

Mother: Maria Billington

William John Deline - 1859 to 1942

Birth: 3 Nov 1859 Mohawk, Herkimer, New York, United Statesbirth19

Death: 19 Jun 1942 Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario, Canadadeath19


Father: Durno Deline

Mother: Alzina "Mary" Clarke

William Deline - 1843 to 1913

Birth: 29 Oct 1843 New Yorkbirth20

Death: 2 May 1913 Onondaga County, New Yorkdeath20


Father: Benjamin Deline

Mother: Eliza Deline

William Deline - 1808 to 1892

Birth: 06 Feb 1808 New Yorkbirth21

Death: 6 April 1892 Lenawee Co, Michigan, USAdeath21


Father: John Johannis Deline

Mother: Ann Lott

William (Garrett?) Deline - 1778 to 1838

Birth: 20 May 1778 German Flats, Montgomery, New York, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1838 Yates, Orleans Co, New York, USAdeath22


Father: William Deline

Mother: Arianntje Wemple

William Wesley Deline - 1909 to 1985

Birth: 24 Feb 1909 Hungerford, Hastings, Ontario, Canadabirth23

Death: 22 Jan 1985 Belleville, Hastings, Ontario, Canadadeath23


Father: Preston John Deline

Mother: Pearl Cleaver Deline

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