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Results for "Wilbur Blount"

1 - 16 of 16 Records

Wilbur Blount - 1819 to 1903

Birth: 10 Aug 1819 Barre, Orleans, New Yorkbirth0

Death: 6 Sep 1903 Williamstown, Oswego, New Yorkdeath0


Father: William Blount

Mother: Mary Polly Wyman

Wilbur Doris Blount - 1906 to 1968

Birth: 08 AUG 1906 Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida, USAbirth1

Death: 29 DEC 1968 Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida, USAdeath1


Father: James Jeremiah Blount

Mother: Perlena Jane Noble

Wilbur Eugene Blount - 1922 to 2007

Birth: 10 Aug 1922 Milledgeville, Baldwin, Georgia, USAbirth2

Death: June 30, 2007 Warner Robins, Houston, Georgiadeath2


Father: Dawson Newton Blount

Mother: Leila Belle Pounds

Wilbur David Blount - 1906 to 1949

Birth: 19 Oct 1906 TXbirth3

Death: 20 Sep 1949 Los Angeles Co., California, USAdeath3


Father: Marion David Blount

Mother: Mary Lucy Allen

Wilbur V Blount - 1915 to 1990

Birth: 26 July 1915 Stuckey, Georgia, USAbirth4

Death: 24 October 1990 Chatham, Georgiadeath4


Father: Harold Theodore Blount

Mother: Clara Isabell (DNA) Sumner

Wilbur Arthur Blount - 1909 to 1998

Birth: 24 nov 1909 Hastings, Oswego, New York, United Statesbirth5

Death: 27 Nov 1998 Hastings, Oswego, New York, United Statesdeath5


Father: Arthur Gerry Blount

Mother: Florence Louise Bush

Wilbur F Blount - 1901 to 1980

Birth: 5 Sep 1901 Edmore, Montcalm, Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 08 Jul 1980 Owosso, Shiawassee, Michigandeath6


Father: Frank Blaunt

Mother: Sarah Caldwell

Wilbur M Blount - 1863 to 1944

Birth: abt 1863 Indianabirth7

Death: 23 Oct 1944


Father: George Warren (Blunk) Blount

Mother: Reform Burch

Wilbur Thomas Blount - 1912 to 1989

Birth: 1//3//1912 Missouribirth8

Death: 9 November 1989 Kerr, Texasdeath8


Father: Thomas Mordecai Blount

Mother: Myrtle Belle Riggs

Wilbur Lee Blount - 1913 to 1913

Birth: 1913

Death: 6 Nov 1913


Father: Samuel Blount *

Mother: Orpha Belle Roberts

Wilbur Clyatt Blount - 1931 to 1962

Birth: 1931 Floridabirth10

Death: 1962


Father: Wilbur Doris Blount

Mother: Cleo Elizabeth Gill

Wilbur Blount - 1897

Birth: 1897 Georgiabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: John Edward Blount

Mother: Mary F Blount

Wilbur V Blount - 1915 to 1990

Birth: 26 Jul 1915 United States of Americabirth12

Death: 24 Oct 1990 United States of Americadeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

wilbur blount

Birth: Not Available Mississippi, USAbirth13

Death: Not Available Gould, Lincoln, Arkansas, United Statesdeath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Wilbur E Blount

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

wilbur blount

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available aladeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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