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Results for "Vincenzo Santilli"

1 - 25 of 78 Records

Vincenzo Santilli - 1898 to 1936

Birth: 17 Apr 1898 New York New Yorkbirth0

Death: 23 Dec. 1936 Bronx County, New York, USAdeath0


Father: Salvatore Santilli

Mother: Maria Colella

Vincenzo Santilli - 1790 to 1841

Birth: Abt. 1790 Spigno Saturina, Italybirth1

Death: 23 Dec 1841 Spigno Saturina, Italydeath1


Father: Givoanni Santilli

Mother: Maria Zotolla

Vincenzo Santilli - 1887 to 1956

Birth: 16 Feb 1887 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italybirth2

Death: 1 Jul 1956 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italydeath2


Father: Nicola Santilli

Mother: Maria Di Iorio

Vincenzo Santilli - 1784 to 1848

Birth: Abt. 1784 Spigno Saturnia, Caserta, Italybirth3

Death: 14 Dec 1848 Spigno Saturnia, Caserta, Italydeath3


Father: Domenico Santilli

Mother: Regina Cocomello

Vincenzo Santilli - 1796 to 1863

Birth: 13 May 1796 Bugnara, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth4

Death: AFT 29 Nov 1863


Father: Paolo Santilli

Mother: Mitilde Trombetta

Vincenzo Santilli - 1796 to 1863

Birth: 13 May 1796 Bugnara, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth5

Death: AFT 29 Nov 1863


Father: Paolo Santilli

Mother: Mitilde Trombetta

Vincenzo Santilli

Birth: Not Available Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italybirth6

Death: 22 Dec 1842 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italydeath6


Father: Nicola Santillo (Santilli)

Mother: Antonia Saliola

Vincenzo Antonio Santilli - 1822

Birth: 1822 Vittorito, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Alessandro Santilli

Mother: Caterina Fabiani

Vincenzo Antonio Santilli - 1822

Birth: 1822 Vittorito, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Alessandro Santilli

Mother: Caterina Fabiani

Vincenzo SANTILLI - 1892 to 1972

Birth: 8 Aug 1892 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth9

Death: 2 Jul 1972 Connecticut, USAdeath9


Father: Giuseppe SANTILLI

Mother: Giovanna De Stephanis

Vincenzo Santilli - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 Italybirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Felice Santilli


Vincenzo Santilli - 1891 to 1970

Birth: 08/29/1891 Pratola Peligna, Italybirth11

Death: Nov 1970 Glenwillard, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Eduardo Santilli

Mother: Erminia Natale

Vincenzo Santilli - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 Italybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Felice Santilli


Vincenzo (Jim) Santilli - 1890 to 1956

Birth: 07 Sep 1890 Acciano, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth13

Death: 1 August 1956 Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, USAdeath13


Father: Eduardo Santilli

Mother: Erminia Natale

Vincenzo Santilli - 1890 to 1956

Birth: 07 Sep 1890 Pietracupa, Campobasso, italy

Death: 1956 Portland Oregondeath14


Father: Nicola Santilli

Mother: Maria Di Iorio

Vincenzo SANTILLI - 1819 to 1896

Birth: 1819 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth15

Death: 12 Mar 1896 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath15


Father: Domenico Santillo

Mother: Lucia DANGELO

Vincenzo Santilli - 1819 to 1894

Birth: 15 FEB 1819 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth16

Death: 24 Dec 1894 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath16


Father: Eustachio Santilli

Mother: Concetta Caldarelli

Vincenzo Santilli - 1812 to 1874

Birth: 1812 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth17

Death: 28 Feb 1874 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath17


Father: Lorenzo Santilli

Mother: Apollonia Bonadies

Vincenzo SANTILLI - 1842 to 1896

Birth: 29 Sep 1842 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth18

Death: 13 Feb 1896 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath18


Father: Giuseppe SANTILLI


Vincenzo Santilli - 1831 to 1916

Birth: 1831 Taranta Peligna, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italybirth19

Death: 13 Mar 1916 Palena, Chieti, Abruzzo. Italydeath19


Father: Vincenzo Santilli

Mother: Vincenzo Santilli

Vincenzo Santilli - 1765 to 1842

Birth: ABT 1765 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italybirth20

Death: 22 Dec 1842 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italydeath20


Father: Nicola Santilli

Mother: Antonia Saliola

VINCENZO SANTILLI - 1797 to 1838

Birth: ABT 1797

Death: 24 Apr 1838 PRATOLA PELIGNA,L'AQUILA,ITALYdeath21



Mother: Giacoma Palombizio

VINCENZO SANTILLI - 1797 to 1838

Birth: ABT 1797

Death: 24 Apr 1838 PRATOLA PELIGNA,L'AQUILA,ITALYdeath22



Mother: Giacoma Palombizio

Vincenzo Santilli - 1865 to 1918

Birth: 29 jul 1865 Goriano Valli, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth23

Death: 12 apr 1918 Goriano Valli, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italydeath23


Father: Terrenzio Santilli

Mother: Elisabetta Capestrani

Vincenzo Santilli - 1949 to 2003

Birth: 3 May 1949 Palena, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italybirth24

Death: 23 February 2003 Melbourne, Victoria, Australiadeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Antonio Santilli

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