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Results for "Venie Cason"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Venice Ann Carson - 1925 to 2012

Birth: 19 July 1925 Burley, Cassia County, Idaho, USAbirth0

Death: 9 March 2012 Ogden, Weber County, Utah, USAdeath0


Father: George Lester Carson

Mother: Leona Flossie Wakefield

vennie mae carson - 1910 to 1976

Birth: December 20, 1910 Atlanta, Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Jul 1976 Talking Rock , Cherokee, Georgia, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph Brown Carson

Mother: Narcissa "Narcississie" Smith

vennie mae carson - 1910 to 1976

Birth: December 20, 1910 Atlanta, Georgia, USAbirth2

Death: 10 Jul 1976 Talking Rock , Cherokee, Georgia, USAdeath2


Father: Joseph Brown Carson

Mother: Narcissa "Narcississie" Smith

Vennie L Carson - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 15 Aug 1905 Cleveland, North Carolinabirth3

Death: 29 Jun 1978


Father: John Wesley Carson

Mother: Samantha Alexander

Vernie Cason - 1907 to 1987

Birth: 30 Jan 1907 Alabamabirth4

Death: 21 Jun 1987 Alexander City, Tallapoosa, Alabama, USAdeath4


Father: James Joseph Cason

Mother: Willie Exa Mask

Genie carson - 1891 to 1976

Birth: 10 Jul 1891 Eastman, Dodge, Georgia, USAbirth5

Death: 24 Aug 1976 Dodge, Georgiadeath5


Father: George Lockett

Mother: Harriett Lockett

Vernie Mae Cayson - 1904 to 1998

Birth: 14 Feb 1904 Alabamabirth6

Death: 18 Aug 1998


Father: James Felton Cason

Mother: Lourilla R Nesmith

Venise Marie Caron - 1905 to 1983

Birth: 14 Nov 1905 Brunswick, Cumberland, Mebirth7

Death: 30 Jan 1983 Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine, USAdeath7


Father: Simeon Joseph Caron

Mother: Alma Marie Ouellette

Venne Caron - 1904

Birth: April 1904 Quebec, Canadabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilfrid Caron

Mother: Marie Rose Fortin

Genie Chason - 1861

Birth: abt 1861 Georgiabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Isiah Bradley

Mother: Sarah J McCarty

Genie Chason - 1861

Birth: abt 1861 Georgiabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Isiah Bradley

Mother: Sarah J McCarty

Vernie Edith Caton - 1881 to 1882

Birth: 19 May 1881 Pipestone, Pipestone, Minnesota, USAbirth11

Death: 23 Feb 1882 Salem, McCook, South Dakota, USAdeath11


Father: Hugh Caton

Mother: Nettie M Caton

Venice Caston - 1908

Birth: 1908 Floridabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Riley McClendon Coston

Mother: Mary Landen

Jenie Carson - 1909

Birth: 1909 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: David Ashby Carson

Mother: Jessie Herrington

Venice M Carson - 1923

Birth: abt 1923 Kansasbirth14

Death: Not Available Dennis, Labette County, Kansas, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Franklin Harrison Carson

Mother: Bessie E Carson

Venie Bason - 1905

Birth: abt 1905 North Carolinabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: W Henry Bason

Mother: Josie Bason

Jenie Cason - 1878

Birth: abt 1878 Georgiabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Morie Cason

Mother: Leeann Cason

Veine Carson - 1836

Birth: 1836 Illonois

Death: Not Available


Father: William Scott Carson

Mother: Cynthia Broadwell

Veine Carson - 1836

Birth: 1836 Illinoisbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: William Scott Carson

Mother: Cynthia Broadwell

Venia Cason

Birth: Not Available MObirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: George William Cason

Mother: Elizabeth (Bettie) Mildred Howell

Jenie Carson - 1909

Birth: abt 1909 Georgiabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Genie carson

Jenie Cason - 1894

Birth: 1894 Georgiabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jenie Carson - 1897

Birth: abt 1897 Mississippibirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Veine Carson - 1866

Birth: say 1866 psbly) St Johns, Province of New Brunswickbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Benie E Carson - 1888

Birth: 1888

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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