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Results for "Velma Casper"

1 - 8 of 8 Records

Velma Casper - 1916 to 2009

Birth: abt 1916 Arkansasbirth0

Death: 25 Dec 2009 Hot Springs, Garland, Arkansas, USAdeath0


Father: Joe Bell Cosper

Mother: Emma Viola Hughes

Velma Viola Casper - 1902 to 1978

Birth: 30 Nov 1902 Dongola, Union, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: 29 Jun 1978 Murphysboro, Jackson, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: Martin Marion Casper

Mother: Jennie Amanda Park

Velma Larae Casper - 1934 to 1992

Birth: 10 Jun 1934 Murray Salt, Utahbirth2

Death: 8 May 1992 Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming, USAdeath2


Father: Kenneth Burton Casper

Mother: Velma Sarah Price

Velma Adeline Casper - 1920 to 2014

Birth: 24 Feb 1920 Purdy, Barry, Missouri, USAbirth3

Death: 24 Sep 2014 Aurora, Lawrence, Missouri, USAdeath3


Father: John Martin Casper

Mother: Augusta C Loehr

Velma B Casper - 1909 to 2004

Birth: 19 May 1909 Los Angeles, Californiabirth4

Death: 17 Feb 2004 Roseville, Placer, Californiadeath4


Father: William John Casper

Mother: Essie Estelle Johnson

Velma Edith Casper - 1898 to 1996

Birth: 15 Sep 1898 Pleasanton, Socorro, New Mexico, USAbirth5

Death: 09 DEC 1996 Dallas Co., TXdeath5


Father: William Herbert Goddard

Mother: Sarah Louise Trousdale

Velma LaRae Casper - 1934 to 1998

Birth: 10 May 1934 Salt Lake City, Utah, USAbirth6

Death: 8 May 1998 Casper, Wyoming, USAdeath6


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Velma Casper - 1915 to 2009

Birth: 22 September 1915 Gillham, Sevier County, Arkansas, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 25 December 2009 Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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