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Results for "Ugene Piale"

1 - 25 of 26 Records
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Eugene Welch Peale - 1873 to 1935

Birth: 8//8//1873 Natchez, Adams County, Mississippi, USAbirth0

Death: 17 Nov 1935 Natchez, Adams, Mississippi, USAdeath0


Father: Alexander Henderson Peale

Mother: Emily Trask Welch

Eugene Paul Pile - 1920 to 2008

Birth: 6 NOV 1920 Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USAbirth1

Death: 26 Apr 2008 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Lee Pile

Mother: Ora Paul

Eugene Orville Peale - 1850 to 1927

Birth: 6 Nov 1850 Crossroads, Halifax, Virginia, United Statesbirth2

Death: 23 Feb 1927 South River, Augusta, Virginia, United Statesdeath2


Father: Rev Jonathan Peale

Mother: Margaret Martha Bushnell

Eugene H. Pile - 1909 to 1973

Birth: 1909 Oklahomabirth3

Death: Nov 1973 Oklahomadeath3


Father: Joseph Francis Pile

Mother: Sarah Kinser

Eugene Piane - 1903 to 2007

Birth: 16 Jun 1903 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 24 Jul 2007 Villa Park, Du Page, Illinois, USAdeath4


Father: Antonio Guistino Piane

Mother: Rosa Ferraro

Eugene Pile - 1912 to 1993

Birth: 8 May 1912 Friedens, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth5

Death: 5 Oct 1993 Somerset Somerset PA USAdeath5


Father: Ross Ira Pile

Mother: Lucy A Hensel

Eugene George Pisle - 1920 to 1995

Birth: 9 Nov 1920 Shady Grove, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 26 Sep 1995 Greencastle, Franklin, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Eber Houser Pisle

Mother: Hazel Era Helman - Pisle

Eugene H Pile - 1860 to 1934

Birth: Oct 1860 Missouribirth7

Death: 15 May 1934 Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath7


Father: Benjamin Pile

Mother: Nancy N. Price

Eugene Franklin Pile - 1892 to 1957

Birth: 20 Apr 1892 Seward, Kansas, USAbirth8

Death: 6 Jun 1957 Fayette, Fayette, Kentuckydeath8


Father: Ellsworth Cordit Pile

Mother: Dora Allis Yeager

Eugene Leigh Pile - 1930 to 1991

Birth: 15 Dec 1930 Missouribirth9

Death: 9 Mar 1991 Crawfordsville, Washington, Iowa, USAdeath9


Father: Byron Leigh Pile

Mother: Dorothy Maurine Krohn

Eugene Sylvester Pile - 1883 to 1971

Birth: 13 Feb 1883 Kentucky, USAbirth10

Death: 15 Jan 1971 Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, USAdeath10


Father: Joseph Grundy Pile

Mother: Lurana Catherine Gifford

Eugene Pale - 1921 to 1977

Birth: abt 1921 New Yorkbirth11

Death: Jul 1977


Father: Antonio Palo

Mother: Margherita "Margaret" Coiro

Eugene Peale - 1888 to 1888

Birth: 15 Feb 1888 Augusta, Virginiabirth12

Death: 13 Aug 1888 New Hope, Augusta, Virginiadeath12


Father: Eugene Orville Peale

Mother: Betty Kerr Eakle

Gene Dennis Viale - 1946 to 2011

Birth: 31 Oct 1946 San Francisco County, California, USAbirth13

Death: 29 November 2011 Californiadeath13


Father: Georgio George Viale

Mother: Geraldine Elizabeth Burciaga

Eugene Laird Peale - 1924 to 1992

Birth: 21 Feb 1924 Richmond, Virginia, USAbirth14

Death: january 1, 1992


Father: Walter Orville Peale

Mother: Annie DUNN

Eugene Orville Peale - 1838

Birth: Abt. 1838 Rockingham Co., VAbirth15

Death: Infant Rockingham Co., VAdeath15


Father: Rev Jonathan Peale

Mother: Eleanor C. Smith

Eugene Pile - 1860

Birth: 1860 Graves, KYbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Van Meter Pile

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Phillips

Eugene H. Pile - 1909 to 1930

Birth: abt 1909 Cheyenne, Roger Mills, Oklahoma, USAbirth17

Death: after 1930


Father: Joseph Francis Pile

Mother: Sara Ann Kinser

Eugene Pile

Birth: Not Available Californiabirth18

Death: 1931 Californiadeath18


Father: William H Pile

Mother: Elizabeth Caroline Parkison

Eugene Peale - 1902

Birth: abt 1902 Pennsylvaniabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Harry H. Walton

Mother: Emmeline Walton

Eugene Piane

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Luigi Piane

Mother: Eluisa Maria Carmela Le Piane

Eugene Piane - 1894 to 1985

Birth: 20 Jan 1894 Piane Crati, Italybirth21

Death: 10 November 1985 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Eugene Laird Peale - 1848

Birth: abt 1848 Virginiabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Eugene Pale

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Eugene Peale

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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