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Results for "Thomas Purcell"

1 - 25 of 2,748 Records

Thomas C Purcell - 1828 to 1903

Birth: 25 Dec 1828 Ballyragget Parish, Kilkenny, Irelandbirth0

Death: 29 Nov 1903 Sharon, Schoharie, New York, United Statesdeath0


Father: Thomas Purcell

Mother: Anne Turbett

Thomas Orville Purcell - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 1854 -, Pike, Illinoisbirth1

Death: 25 Mar 1934 Roy, Pierce, Washingtondeath1


Father: Benjamin C Purcell

Mother: Fareby Farely King (Purcell)

Thomas C. Purcell - 1829 to 1899

Birth: 10 Apr 1829 , , Iowa, USAbirth2

Death: 9 Apr 1899 Lane County, Oregon, USAdeath2


Father: Andrew Purcell

Mother: Elizabeth

Thomas C Purcell - 1866 to 1957

Birth: 4 Jan 1866 Schoharie, Schoharie, New York, United Statesbirth3

Death: 1 May 1957 Seward, Schoharie, New York, United Statesdeath3


Father: Thomas Cyril Purcell Sr

Mother: Sarah Ann Cronk Purcell Halenbeck

Thomas C Purcell - 1828 to 1903

Birth: 25 Dec 1828 Ballyragget Parish, Kilkenny, Irelandbirth4

Death: 29 Nov 1903 Sharon, Schoharie, New York, United Statesdeath4


Father: Thomas Purcell

Mother: Anne Turbett

Thomas J Purcell - 1825 to 1890

Birth: Abt. 1825 County Tipperary, Irelandbirth5

Death: 1890 greater Northside of the city of Pittsburghdeath5


Father: Thomas Purcell

Mother: Margaret Costello

Thomas Purcell - 1856 to 1929

Birth: 07 Jul 1856 Watervliet, Albany, NYbirth6

Death: 12 May 1929 Watervliet, Albany County, New York, USAdeath6


Father: Richard Purcell

Mother: Margaret Sheehan

Thomas Edwin Purcell - 1885 to 1968

Birth: 25 DEC 1885 Paris, Txbirth7

Death: AUG 1968 Tx.death7


Father: Richard M. Purcell

Mother: Mary Bills

Thomas S Purcell - 1824 to 1912

Birth: Dec 1824 Irelandbirth8

Death: 17 May 1912 Washington, District of Columbia, USAdeath8


Father: John Purcell

Mother: Mary (F)Lanigan

Thomas Purcell - 1826 to 1882

Birth: 1826 Canadabirth9

Death: 5 Jan 1882 Rochester, New Yorkdeath9


Father: Pierce(Peter) Purcell

Mother: Rose Brenan

Thomas B Purcell - 1814 to 1893

Birth: abt 1814 Virginiabirth10

Death: 14 Jan 1893 Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: James Purcell

Mother: Sally Goshen

Thomas Purcell - 1873 to 1933

Birth: abt 1873 Foots Cray, Kent, Englandbirth11

Death: 1 Feb 1933 Maidstone, Kent, Englanddeath11


Father: Samuel Purcell

Mother: Maria Britton

Thomas Purcell - 1887 to 1956

Birth: abt 1887 New Yorkbirth12

Death: 30Nov1956 St Vincent's Hospital, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USAdeath12


Father: James Purcell

Mother: Ann(e) Greenan

Thomas T. Purcell - 1849 to 1890

Birth: 1849 Clinton, Kentucky, United Statesbirth13

Death: 1890 Barren, Kentucky, United Statesdeath13


Father: Meredith W. Purcell

Mother: Parthena Neal

Thomas S Purcell - 1824 to 1912

Birth: Dec 1824 Irelandbirth14

Death: 17 May 1912 Washington, District of Columbia, USAdeath14


Father: John Purcell

Mother: Mary (F)Lanigan

Thomas Purcell - 1839 to 1913

Birth: Oct 1839 Missouri, United Statesbirth15

Death: 17 Dec 1913 Indiana, United Statesdeath15


Father: Amos Randall Purcell

Mother: Orpha Mary Pate

Thomas Orville Purcell - 1854 to 1934

Birth: 1854 -, Pike, Illinoisbirth16

Death: 25 Mar 1934 Roy, Pierce, Washingtondeath16


Father: Benjamin C Purcell

Mother: Fareby Farely King (Purcell)

Thomas Gerard Purcell - 1898 to 1964

Birth: 01 OCT 1898 Colne, Lancashire, Englandbirth17

Death: 25 MAY 1964 Hartley Hospital, Colne Lancsdeath17


Father: Thomas Purcell

Mother: Margaret Agnes Steel

Thomas Purcell - 1826 to 1882

Birth: 1826 Canadabirth18

Death: 5 Jan 1882 Rochester, New Yorkdeath18


Father: Pierce(Peter) Purcell

Mother: Rose Brenan

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