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Results for "thomas banester"

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1595 Croston Lancashire England

Death: Not Available

Father: Henry Bannister

Mother: Ellen Whittle

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1889 Soho, London, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Thomas Banister

Mother: Beatrice Brickwood

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: ABT 1598 Brotherton, Banke, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: William Banister

Mother: Ball

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 26 NOV 1836 Lytham, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: James Bannister

Mother: Ellen Livesey

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1493

Death: 1525

Father: Sir. Lord Lawrence Towneley (of Barnside) Royal Lineage

Mother: Mrs Lawrence Banester

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1829

Death: Not Available

Father: Thomas Banester

Mother: Mary Sears

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Lawrence Banester

Mother: Mrs Lawrence Banester

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Richard Wall

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Lawrence Banester

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas BANESTER

Birth: Not Available Shropshire, England

Death: Not Available Shropshire, England

Father: Laurence BANASTER

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1859 Leyland, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Abt. 1430 Hadnall, Myddle, Shropshire, England, UK

Death: Aft. 13 Apr 1463

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas BANESTER

Birth: ? 1785 Burley, Hants

Death: Not Available Burley, Hants

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1717

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas (or Thurstan) Banester

Birth: Not Available Swinden

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: 1787

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Abt. 1410

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Thomas Banester

Birth: Not Available of Staverton, Gloucestershire

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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