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Results for "Theodore Weber"

1 - 25 of 563 Records

Theodore George Weber - 1914 to 1985

Birth: 12 Jun 1914 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: Sep 1985 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath0


Father: Walter Bernard Weber

Mother: Anna May Simmons Weber

Theodore George Weber - 1914 to 1985

Birth: 12 Jun 1914 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: Sep 1985 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath1


Father: Walter Bernard Weber

Mother: Anna May Simmons Weber

Theodore Weber - 1875 to 1953

Birth: Feb 1875 Minnesotabirth2

Death: September 4 1953 St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USAdeath2


Father: Albert Charles Weber

Mother: Lena Peters

Theodore WEBER - 1905 to 1970

Birth: abt 1905 Minnesotabirth3

Death: Jan 1970 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United Statesdeath3


Father: Ludwig Weber

Mother: Alvina Yackel

Theodore Nicholas Weber - 1874 to 1948

Birth: 25 January 1874 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentuckybirth4

Death: 04 March 1948 Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentuckydeath4


Father: Nicolaus Weber

Mother: Frances Habich

Theodore Dwayne WEBER - 1908 to 1941

Birth: 2 Feb 1908 Hitchcock, Blaine County, Oklahoma, United States of Americabirth5

Death: 1 Sep 1941 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahomadeath5


Father: Frederick Heinrich Weber

Mother: Mary Christina Lorenz

Theodore Weber - 1862 to 1953

Birth: 1862 Ripon, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: 21 Feb 1953 Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsindeath6


Father: Joseph Weber

Mother: Maria (Mary) Butzin

Theodore Joseph Weber - 1910 to 1982

Birth: 9 Jun 1910 Wadena, Minnesotabirth7

Death: 24 May 1982 Verndale, Wadena, Minnesota, United States of Americadeath7


Father: John Nicholas Weber

Mother: Josephine Anna Weber

Theodore A Weber - 1904 to 1962

Birth: abt 1904 New Yorkbirth8

Death: 06 Apr 1962 Florida, USAdeath8


Father: Albert Weber

Mother: Anna Clara Blumhardt

Theodore K. Weber - 1818 to 1891

Birth: 1818 Luxenbourg, , , Germanybirth9

Death: 1891 , Buchanan, Iowa, USAdeath9


Father: Mathias D. Weber

Mother: Grietjen Ebling

Theodore Anthony Weber - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 22 Jan 1890 Nebraskabirth10

Death: Oct 1971 Red Cloud, Webster, Nebraskadeath10


Father: William Albert Webber

Mother: Sarah McDonald

Theodore Leroy Weber - 1937 to 2013

Birth: 15 Jun 1937 Kingsley, MIbirth11

Death: 23 Jun 2013 Traverse City , Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Joseph Carl Weber

Mother: Norine MICHELS

Theodore Weber - 1867 to 1908

Birth: Aug 1867 Wisconsin, United Statesbirth12

Death: 5 FEB 1908 Newberg, Yamhill, Oregon, USAdeath12


Father: Julius Weber

Mother: Louisa MALUEG

Theodore Anthony Weber - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 22 Jan 1890 Nebraskabirth13

Death: Oct 1971 Red Cloud, Webster, Nebraskadeath13


Father: William Albert Webber

Mother: Sarah McDonald

Theodore Anthony Weber - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 22 Jan 1890 Nebraskabirth14

Death: Oct 1971 Red Cloud, Webster, Nebraskadeath14


Father: William Albert Webber

Mother: Sarah McDonald

Theodore Anthony Weber - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 22 Jan 1890 Nebraskabirth15

Death: Oct 1971 Red Cloud, Webster, Nebraskadeath15


Father: William Albert Webber

Mother: Sarah McDonald

Theodore August Weber - 1896 to 1950

Birth: 13 MAY 1896 Aurora, ILbirth16

Death: 22 Sep 1950 AURORA ILdeath16


Father: Jacob Weber

Mother: Marguerithe Lenert

Theodore L Weber - 1899 to 1965

Birth: 11 Feb 1899 Brady Twp., Clearfield, Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 17 MAR 1965 Brady Twp. Clearfield Co., Pa.death17


Father: William Phillip Weber

Mother: Louisa Charlotte Hartzfeld Weber

Theodore Weber - 1911 to 1957

Birth: abt 1911 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth18

Death: 1957 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath18


Father: Michael Weber

Mother: Charlotte "Lottie" Wengerski

Theodore William Weber - 1880 to 1961

Birth: 19 Jun 1880 Dunmore, Lackawanna, Pennsylvaniabirth19

Death: 3 Sep 1961 Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvaniadeath19


Father: Theodore W. Weber

Mother: Carrie C. Warfel

Theodore 'Theo' Weber - 1871 to 1956

Birth: July 1871 Dubuque Co., Ia.birth20

Death: 25 March 1956


Father: Nicholas Peter Weber

Mother: Katharina Meyer

Theodore Gottlieb Weber - 1877 to 1940

Birth: 2 Jul 1877 Ft Wayne, Indianabirth21

Death: 18 Jul 1940


Father: John Jacob Weber

Mother: Heinricke Traub

Theodore George Weber - 1885 to 1968

Birth: 18 Aug 1885 or 23 Oct 1886 Zwingle, Dubuque, Iowa, USAbirth22

Death: 1 Feb 1968 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USAdeath22


Father: Joannes John Weber

Mother: Anna Olinger

Theodore 'Theo' Weber - 1871 to 1956

Birth: July 1871 Dubuque Co., Ia.birth23

Death: 25 March 1956


Father: Nicholas Peter Weber

Mother: Katharina Meyer

Theodore Gottlieb Weber - 1877 to 1940

Birth: 2 Jul 1877 Ft Wayne, Indianabirth24

Death: 18 Jul 1940


Father: John Jacob Weber

Mother: Heinricke Traub

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