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Results for "Stella Brown"

1 - 25 of 2,525 Records

Stella Ella Brown - 1905 to 1983

Birth: 5 May 1905 Pidgeon Roost, Clay, Kentucky, United Statesbirth0

Death: 3 Aug 1983 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Samuel Rueben Brown

Mother: Nancy Ann Bruner

Stella May Brown - 1926 to 2007

Birth: 29 May 1926 Sherwood, Franklin, Tennessee, United Statesbirth1

Death: 9 October 2007 Akron, Summit, Ohiodeath1


Father: Charles Brown

Mother: Mary Magdaline Reed

Stella Belle Brown - 1889 to 1969

Birth: 15 Oct 1889 Missouri, USAbirth2

Death: May 1969 El Dorado Springs, Cedar, Missouri, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Larkin Patterson Brown

Mother: Cora Belle Marble

Stella Brown - 1885 to 1979

Birth: abt 1885 Kentuckybirth3

Death: 1 Sep 1979 Martn, Kentucky, United Statesdeath3


Father: James M Brown

Mother: Louanne Cline

Stella Brown - 1910 to 1993

Birth: abt 1910 Kentuckybirth4

Death: 28 Nov 1993 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath4


Father: Isaiah Zay Brown

Mother: Ida Mae Livers

Stella Brown - 1880 to 1975

Birth: 24 May 1880 Sycamore, Harrison County, West Virginiabirth5

Death: 14 Aug 1975 Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginiadeath5


Father: William Abraham Brown

Mother: Florinda Ward

Stella M BROWN - 1897 to 1975

Birth: Abt 1897 Virginia, USAbirth6

Death: 19 Mar 1975 Glen Allen, Henrico, Virginia, USAdeath6


Father: William Thomas Brown

Mother: Alice Roxie Walters

Stella Brown - 1880 to 1949

Birth: 20 September 1880 Pennsylvania, USAbirth7

Death: 5 Jul 1949 Clearfield, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Lewis E. Brown

Mother: Clara Cordelia (Humphrey) Brown

Stella Brown - 1897 to 1984

Birth: 1 September 1897 Mayo, Lafayette County, Florida, USAbirth8

Death: 1984 California, United Statesdeath8


Father: Lorenzo (Pony) Brown

Mother: Elizabeth Annie Hart

Stella Irene Brown - 1928 to 2009

Birth: 16 Feb 1928 Oskaloosa Ba, Missouribirth9

Death: 27 Mar 2009 Oak Hill, Jackson, Ohiodeath9


Father: Gussie Brown

Mother: Sylvia Mae Safford

Stella Rose Brown - 1903 to 1979

Birth: 30 Apr 1903 Wisconsinbirth10

Death: 22 may 1979 Livonia, Wayne, Michigandeath10


Father: George Ingersoll Brown

Mother: Rosa Anderson

Stella Brown - 1916 to 1974

Birth: 16 Nov 1916 , Grant, Washington, USAbirth11

Death: 12 Nov 1974 Washingtondeath11


Father: James Brown

Mother: Goldie M Brown


Birth: 17 Jan 1903 Madison, Somerset, Maine, USAbirth12

Death: 1952 Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USAdeath12


Father: Herbert W Brown

Mother: Jennie May Brown

Stella Arvella Brown - 1899 to 1961

Birth: 25 Nov 1899 Miami, Montgomery, Ohio, USAbirth13

Death: 14 Nov 1961 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohiodeath13


Father: Albert F Brown

Mother: Katherine Armida Reedy

Stella V Brown - 1896 to 1975

Birth: 26 Oct 1896 Peaburt, Adams, Ohio, USAbirth14

Death: 5 Aug 1975 Logan, Quay, New Mexico, United States of Americadeath14


Father: David Calhoun Brownlee

Mother: Fannie Graber

Stella V Brown - 1896 to 1975

Birth: 26 Oct 1896 Peaburt, Adams, Ohio, USAbirth15

Death: 5 Aug 1975 Logan, Quay, New Mexico, United States of Americadeath15


Father: David Calhoun Brownlee

Mother: Fannie Graber

Stella Louise Brown - 1878 to 1953

Birth: 20 Aug 1878 Frankfort Hill, Herkimer, New York, USAbirth16

Death: 5 Jul 1953 Sauquoit, Oneida, New York, USAdeath16


Father: Benjamin Morris Bowen

Mother: Ella E Davis

Stella Brown - 1901 to 1995

Birth: abt 1901 Texasbirth17

Death: 29 Jan 1995 Kerndeath17


Father: Robert Brown

Mother: Nora Frances Harris

Stella V Brown - 1922 to 2007

Birth: 14 May 1922 Mclennan, Texasbirth18

Death: 15 Apr 2007 Axtell, Mclennan, TX, USAdeath18


Father: Esau Azariah Brown

Mother: Ethel Simons

Stella May Brown - 1901 to 1981

Birth: 3 Sep 1901 Boliver, Polk County, Missouribirth19

Death: 23 Dec 1981 Nowata, Nowata, Oklahomadeath19


Father: Bennett Clark Brown

Mother: Ada Moses Chaney

Stella May Brown - 1892 to 1957

Birth: 7 Mar 1892 Baughman, Wayne, Ohiobirth20

Death: 2 July 1957 Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath20


Father: William H Brown

Mother: Emma Alice Wilson

Stella L Brown - 1889 to 1977

Birth: 1889 Ohiobirth21

Death: 27 Aug 1977 Marion, Marion, Ohio, USAdeath21


Father: William H Brown

Mother: Alice E Rowland / Roland

Stella Young Brown - 1881 to 1966

Birth: 20 Oct 1881 South Carolinabirth22

Death: 16 Apr 1966 South Carolinadeath22


Father: Washington A. Young

Mother: Elizabeth Floyd

Stella Jean Brown - 1919 to 1990

Birth: 27 Apr 1919 New Yorkbirth23

Death: 16 Dec 1990 Rochester, Monroe, New York, United Statesdeath23


Father: Frank Church Brown

Mother: Jean Rosina Lee

Stella Brown - 1878 to 1911

Birth: 7 January 1878 South Carolinabirth24

Death: 30 Sep 1911 Spartanburg County, South Carolinadeath24


Father: John Edward Bishop

Mother: Emma Steading

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