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Results for "Solly Goldstein"

1 - 20 of 20 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 5 NOV 1877 19 Hutchinson Avenue, City of London, England

Death: 15 FEB 1952 East London, England


Father: Harris Goldstein

Mother: Yetta Cohen

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 22 Jul 1892 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Death: 13 Feb 1911 Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Father: Nathaniel Goldstein

Mother: Rachel Smolinski Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 08 Oct 1913 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: Feb 17 1992 Des Plaines, Cook Co. IL


Father: Louis Goldstein

Mother: Rose Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1894 England, Manchester

Death: Not Available


Father: Daniel Goldstein

Mother: Leah Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: abt 1903 St Georges

Death: Not Available


Father: Phillip Goldstein

Mother: Katie Bloom

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1907 Stepney

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Goldstein

Mother: Rose Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 23 Sep 1905 Brooklyn, New York City, Kings, New York, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Israel Goldstein

Mother: Cary Bloom Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: Apr 1900 New York, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Nathan Goldstein

Mother: Beckie Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1909 Whitechapel

Death: Not Available


Father: Hyman Goldstein

Mother: Rachel Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1922 California

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Goldstein

Mother: Anna Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1899 Shchirets, Lwow Wojewodztwo, Poland

Death: Not Available


Father: M. Goldstein

Mother: Dvoira

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: abt 1903 United States

Death: Not Available


Father: Elias Goldstein

Mother: Pearl Shapiro

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 1905 New Jersey

Death: Not Available


Father: Simon Goldstein

Mother: Lena Blanche (Bluma) (Helena) Goldman

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: abt 1906 Stepney

Death: Not Available


Father: Morris Goldstein

Mother: Rachel Binderman

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: Dec 1899 Illinois

Death: Not Available


Father: Morris Goldstein

Mother: Fanny Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: abt 1903 St Georges

Death: Not Available


Father: Phillip Goldstein

Mother: Catherine "Katie" Bloom

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 9 Apr 1917

Death: Not Available


Father: David Goldstein

Mother: Rebecca Goldstein

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: 14 Mar 1896

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Solly Goldstein

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: Abt. 1904 Manhattan, New York City, New York

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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