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Results for "Samuel Ramsay"

1 - 25 of 343 Records

Samuel C. Ramsay - 1895 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1895 Iowabirth0

Death: 22 Oct 1962 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USAdeath0


Father: Robert Elmer Ramsay

Mother: Clara Bell Simmons

Samuel C. Ramsay - 1895 to 1962

Birth: Dec 1895 Iowabirth1

Death: 22 Oct 1962 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USAdeath1


Father: Robert Elmer Ramsay

Mother: Clara Bell Simmons

Samuel Ramsay - 1837 to 1910

Birth: 25 Dec 1837 Rhode island, USAbirth2

Death: 18 Oct 1910 Hatsfield Township, , Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: Arthur Ramsey

Mother: Mary Franklin

Samuel Ramsay - 1837 to 1910

Birth: 25 Dec 1837 Rhode island, USAbirth3

Death: 18 Oct 1910 Hatsfield Township, , Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Arthur Ramsey

Mother: Mary Franklin

Samuel Ramsay - 1837 to 1910

Birth: 25 Dec 1837 Rhode island, USAbirth4

Death: 18 Oct 1910 Hatsfield Township, , Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Arthur Ramsey

Mother: Mary Franklin

Samuel Ramsay - 1850 to 1936

Birth: abt 1850 Canadabirth5

Death: 6 Apr 1936 Santa Cruz, California, USAdeath5


Father: Samuel Ramsey

Mother: Ann Giffin

Samuel Ramsay - 1850 to 1938

Birth: 12 Jul 1850 Hungerford, Hastings, Ontario, Canadabirth6

Death: 12 Aug 1938 Actinolite, Hastings, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: James Ramsay

Mother: Mary Jane Corbett

Samuel Ramsay - 1805 to 1863

Birth: 7 MAY 1805 Guildie, Angus, Scotlandbirth7

Death: 09 Jan 1863 Black forrest, Adelaide South Australiadeath7


Father: Samuel Ramsay

Mother: Jean Anderson

Samuel Ramsay - 1805 to 1863

Birth: 7 MAY 1805 Guildie, Angus, Scotlandbirth8

Death: 09 Jan 1863 Black forrest, Adelaide South Australiadeath8


Father: Samuel Ramsay

Mother: Jean Anderson

Samuel Ramsay - 1804 to 1894

Birth: 1804 Scotlandbirth9

Death: 11 Feb 1894 Hampton, Kings Co, New Brunswick, Canadadeath9


Father: Samuel Ramsay

Mother: Jane Scott

Samuel A Ramsay - 1895 to 1959

Birth: Mar 1895 Millboro, Bath, Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 8 Jun 1959


Father: Brown Clayton Ramsey

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Dill

Samuel Ramsay - 1804 to 1894

Birth: 1804 Scotlandbirth11

Death: 11 Feb 1894 Hampton, Kings Co, New Brunswick, Canadadeath11


Father: Samuel Ramsay

Mother: Jane Scott

Samuel Ramsay - 1843 to 1920

Birth: Abt. 1843 Co, Donegal, Irelandbirth12

Death: Abt. 1920 Donegal, Irelanddeath12


Father: David Ramsey

Mother: Catherine McDade

Samuel Ramsay - 1888 to 1966

Birth: 3 Mar 1888 123 Graeme St, Glasgowbirth13

Death: 19 Jul 1966 265 Inverleith Street, Glasgowdeath13


Father: Thomas Ramsay

Mother: Mary McCartney

Samuel Ramsay - 1792 to 1860

Birth: 05 Oct 1792 New Scotland, Albany Co., NYbirth14

Death: Abt 1860 Ohio, USAdeath14


Father: George Ramsey

Mother: Griselda Borthwick

Samuel RAMSAY - 1844 to 1884

Birth: 02 May 1844 Monikie, Angus, Scotlandbirth15

Death: 21 Dec 1884 Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath15


Father: Andrew W. Ramsay

Mother: Ann Smith Ramsay

Samuel Ramsay - 1879 to 1930

Birth: 1879 Spittle, Northumberland, Englandbirth16

Death: 25 June 1930 Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, Englanddeath16


Father: George Ramsay

Mother: Ann Davidson

Samuel Ramsay - 1890 to 1950

Birth: Abt. 1890 Perth, Perthshire, Scotlandbirth17

Death: 1950 Perth Scotlanddeath17



Mother: Mary Ann Milne

Samuel Humphries Ramsay - 1882 to 1926

Birth: 12 Dec 1882 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotlandbirth18

Death: 08 Dec 1926 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotlanddeath18


Father: John H Ramsay

Mother: Catherine McLauter

Samuel Ramsay - 1789 to 1815

Birth: 1789 Columbia county,Georgiabirth19

Death: 6 Mar 1815


Father: John Ramsey

Mother: Mary Culbreath

Samuel Ramsay - 1861 to 1929

Birth: Dec 1861 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth20

Death: 10 Aug 1929


Father: William F Ramsey

Mother: Sarah Jane Kirkpatrick

Samuel Ramsay - 1898 to 1954

Birth: 01 Mar 1898 Stewartfield, Broxburn, Uphall,West Lothian, Scotlandbirth21

Death: 1954


Father: Robert Ramsay

Mother: Maria Blair

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