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Results for "Ruth Browning"

1 - 25 of 488 Records

Ruth Leo Browning - 1896 to 1978

Birth: 25 Sep 1896 Tishomingo County, Mississippi, USAbirth0

Death: 8 January 1978 Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, USAdeath0


Father: Caleb Leonidas Browning

Mother: Eula May Browning

Ruth Browning - 1832 to 1893

Birth: 17 Jan 1832 Pleasant Run, Lawrence, Indianabirth1

Death: 26 May 1893 Pleasant Run, Lawrence, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: Amasa “Amzi” Browning

Mother: Mary Polly Winfrey

Ruth Rackley Browning - 1902 to 1962

Birth: 8 October 1902 Texas, USAbirth2

Death: 02 Jul 1962 Austin, Travis, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Homer Scott Rackley

Mother: Minnie Jane Anderson

Ruth Leo Browning - 1896 to 1978

Birth: 25 Sep 1896 Tishomingo County, Mississippi, USAbirth3

Death: 8 January 1978 Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama, USAdeath3


Father: Caleb Leonidas Browning

Mother: Eula May Browning

Ruth Matilda Browning - 1896 to 1979

Birth: 18 Nov 1896 LaBelle, Fremont, Idaho, United Statesbirth4

Death: 3 November 1979 Honolulu, Hawaii, United Statesdeath4


Father: George Andrew Browning

Mother: Emma Christina Matson 1ggm

Ruth Browning - 1916 to 2004

Birth: 23 Jan 1916 Pike City, Pike, Arkansas, United Statesbirth5

Death: 31 JAN 2004 Lubbock Txdeath5


Father: James Luther Browning

Mother: Julia Ann Hurt

Ruth Browning - 1893 to 1945

Birth: 10 Jan 1893 Buffalo, Erie, New York, United Statesbirth6

Death: 4 Jan 1945 Tonawanda, Erie, New Yorkdeath6


Father: Frank Charles Browning

Mother: Amelia Browning

Ruth E Browning - 1905 to 1986

Birth: 1905 Arkansasbirth7

Death: 3 Jan 1986 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath7


Father: Henry Clay Browning

Mother: Charlotte Jane Browning

Ruth Frances Browning - 1924 to 2003

Birth: 8/28/1924 Peppertown, Franklin County, Indiana, USAbirth8

Death: 15 Oct 2003 Oxford, Butler, Ohiodeath8


Father: Caleb B Browning

Mother: Mary Belle Burch

Ruth Browning - 1878 to 1947

Birth: Mar1878 Pulaska, MObirth9

Death: 05 April 1947 Greene County, Arkansas, USAdeath9


Father: James Albright Coleman

Mother: S Salsman (COLEMAN)

Ruth Rackley Browning - 1902 to 1962

Birth: 8 October 1902 Texas, USAbirth10

Death: 02 Jul 1962 Austin, Travis, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: Homer Scott Rackley

Mother: Minnie Jane Anderson

Ruth E Browning - 1905 to 1986

Birth: 1905 Arkansasbirth11

Death: 3 Jan 1986 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath11


Father: Henry Clay Browning

Mother: Charlotte Jane Browning

Ruth A Browning - 1844 to 1920

Birth: 26 Aug 1844 Connecticutbirth12

Death: 17 Apr 1920 Preston, New London, Connecticutdeath12


Father: Hiram Browning

Mother: Prudence Barnes

Ruth Gyndolyn Browning - 1923 to 2017

Birth: 14 oct 1923 Gainesville, Hall County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 13 June 2017 Marietta, Cobb, Georgia, USAdeath13


Father: Aaron Thronton Browning

Mother: Fairer Belle Dixon

Ruth C Browning - 1932 to 2003

Birth: 7/12/1932 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAbirth14

Death: 15 April 2003 Cincinatti


Father: Cecil Taylor Browning

Mother: Mary Wilma Kile

Ruth Josephine Browning - 1919 to 2008

Birth: 16 Feb 1919 Cheyenne, Laramie, Wyomingbirth15

Death: 19 December 2008 Placentia, Orange County, California, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Walter Irvin Browning

Mother: Rebecca Emma Olsen

Ruth Evelyn Browning - 1927 to 2006

Birth: 17 Apr 1927 Bedford, Lawrence, Indiana, USAbirth16

Death: 16 Feb 2006 Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Charles Browning

Mother: Goldie Ann Boofer

Ruth Browning - 1914 to 2014

Birth: 8 Apr 1914 Durham, Durham, North Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 22 Feb 2014 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: Charles W Browning

Mother: Emma Mae Wicker

Ruth Evelyn Browning - 1927 to 2006

Birth: 17 Apr 1927 Bedford, Lawrence, Indiana, USAbirth18

Death: 16 Feb 2006 Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Charles Browning

Mother: Goldie Ann Boofer

Ruth Browning - 1914 to 2014

Birth: 8 Apr 1914 Durham, Durham, North Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 22 Feb 2014 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia, USAdeath19


Father: Charles W Browning

Mother: Emma Mae Wicker

Ruth Browning - 1878 to 1947

Birth: 10 jan 1878 Pulaska, Missouri, USAbirth20

Death: 5 APR 1947 Greene Co., ARdeath20


Father: William S Jones

Mother: Mary Ann (Minor) Jones Browning

Ruth Lena Browning - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 15 March 1930 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, USAbirth21

Death: 1 Jun 2018 DAYTON, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIOdeath21


Father: William H Browning

Mother: Martha Wright

Ruth Lena Browning - 1930 to 2018

Birth: 15 March 1930 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, USAbirth22

Death: 1 Jun 2018 DAYTON, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIOdeath22


Father: William H Browning

Mother: Martha Wright

Ruth Browning - 1900 to 1976

Birth: 5 Mar 1900 New Yorkbirth23

Death: 16 Jun 1976 New London, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USAdeath23


Father: Henry Prentice Browning

Mother: Ida Stewart Bartow " a Writer"

Ruth Newton Browning - 1922 to 2004

Birth: 25 Aug 1922 Lewis, Kentucky, USAbirth24

Death: 9 May 2004 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath24


Father: Claude Anderson Browning

Mother: Lottie Alice Browning

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