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Results for "Ruth Bartz"

1 - 25 of 36 Records

Ruth Bartz - 1902 to 1997

Birth: 22 Feb 1902 Radcliffe, Iowa, USAbirth0

Death: 12 May 1997 Duarte, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath0


Father: Edward Max Bartz

Mother: Marie Christina Becker

Ruth M Bartz - 1906 to 1990

Birth: 8 Jan 1906 Wisconsinbirth1

Death: 15 May 1990 Wisconsin, Clarkdeath1


Father: Martin Bartz

Mother: Anna Fischer

RUTH Bartz - 1910 to 1983

Birth: 23 SEP 1910 STILLWELL, INDIANAbirth2

Death: 29 NOV 1983 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana, USAdeath2


Father: William Henry Bartz

Mother: Edna Eldora Downey

Ruth M Bartz - 1929 to 2001

Birth: 10 May 1929 Cook County, ILbirth3

Death: 1 Jul 2001 Port Richey, Pasco, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: George John Bartz

Mother: Frances Borkowicz

RUTH Bartz - 1910 to 1983

Birth: 23 SEP 1910 STILLWELL, INDIANAbirth4

Death: 29 NOV 1983 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana, USAdeath4


Father: William Henry Bartz

Mother: Edna Eldora Downey

Ruth I Bartz - 1898 to 1946

Birth: 17 Feb 1898 Christiana Township, Dane, Wisconsin, USAbirth5

Death: 09 Nov 1946 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath5


Father: Charles Bartz

Mother: Augusta H. Clemens

Ruth Lorraine (Hyde) Bartz - 1930 to 2014

Birth: 08/27/1930 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAbirth6

Death: 2014 Onamia, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, USAdeath6


Father: Norman Edward Hyde

Mother: Clara Josephine Folden

Ruth E Bartz - 1922 to 1995

Birth: 1922 Coloradobirth7

Death: 3 Jul 1995


Father: Edward Albert Bartz

Mother: Elizabeth Caroline Gabriel

Ruth Marie Bartz - 1916 to 2006

Birth: 13 May 1916 Chicago Cook, Illinoisbirth8

Death: 11 Jan 2006 Jackson, Jackson, Michigandeath8


Father: Joseph Wilhelm Bartz

Mother: Violet Marie Hanson

Ruth Ann Bartz - 1920 to 2001

Birth: 5 Nov 1920 Valley City, Kidder County, North Dakota, USAbirth9

Death: 19 Nov 2001 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Fred Bartz

Mother: Elsie Buckman

Ruth M Bartz - 1906 to 1970

Birth: 24 Aug 1906 Milwaukee, Wisconsinbirth10

Death: 21 Jun 1970 Milw, Wisconsindeath10


Father: Roman Joseph Bartz

Mother: Louise Bremser

Ruth Beverly Bartz - 1918 to 1988

Birth: 17 Dec 1918 Plevna, Montanabirth11

Death: 28 Oct 1988 Park Ridge, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath11


Father: August William Bartz

Mother: Ida Jeanette Walby

Ruth B Bartz - 1904 to 1941

Birth: 23 Apr 1904 Morgan, Redwood County, Minnesota, USAbirth12

Death: 10 Sep 1941 Nicollet County, Minnesota, USAdeath12


Father: Hermann Frederick Bartz

Mother: Wilhelmina Kasten

Ruth Marie Bartz - 1919 to 2005

Birth: 2 May 1919 Wisconsinbirth13

Death: 27 Jul 2005 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, United Statesdeath13


Father: Herman E Bartz

Mother: Marie (Lottie) Schliebe

Ruth Edith Bartz - 1904 to 1971

Birth: 30 Jun 1904 Pittsburgh, PAbirth14

Death: 10 Oct 1971 Millvale, Allegheny, PAdeath14


Father: Hermann Charles Bartz

Mother: Ida Roxanne Lammay

Ruth W M Bartz - 1900 to 1913

Birth: 19 Jan 1900 Shawano, Wisconsin, USAbirth15

Death: 18 Nov 1913 Shawano County, WIdeath15


Father: Frank Charles Wm Bartz

Mother: Martha Nickolous

Ruth Alma Bartz - 1913 to 1915

Birth: 1 Jan 1913 Texasbirth16

Death: 21 Jun 1915 Temple, Bell, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: Otto Emil Bartz

Mother: Carolina Fredericka Doehre

Ruth Bartz - 1941

Birth: abt 1941 Iowabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Donald Bruce Bartz

Mother: Lucille Gillman

Ruth E Bartz - 1914 to 1986

Birth: 23 Mar 1914 Coloradobirth18

Death: 8 Feb 1986 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Clyde E Chisholm

Mother: Bertha Bartz

Ruth Bartz - 1920

Birth: 1920 Maryland, United Statesbirth19

Death: Not Available Baltimore, Maryland, United Statesdeath19


Father: Issac John Bartz

Mother: Reba Bartz

Ruth B Bartz - 1919

Birth: abt 1919 Illinoisbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ruth Marie Bartz - 1929 to 2001

Birth: 10 May 1929 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth21

Death: 16 Jul 2001 Port Richey, Floridadeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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