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Results for "Rosie Bernstein"

1 - 25 of 84 Records

Rosie Bernstein - 1908 to 1957

Birth: abt 1908 Russiabirth0

Death: Abt. 1957 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath0


Father: Joe Bernstein

Mother: Ryvka-Rokhla Roer

Rosie Bernstein - 1893 to 1975

Birth: Sep 1893 New York, USAbirth1

Death: 12/14/1975 New York, USAdeath1


Father: Jacob Bernstein

Mother: Bessie Roterosen/Rotrosen

Rosie Bernstein - 1889 to 1930

Birth: Aug 1889 New Yorkbirth2

Death: About 1930 New Yorkdeath2


Father: Morris Roosenstrin

Mother: Doria Yashun

Rosie Ruth Bernstein - 1892 to 1950

Birth: 17 Dec 1892 New Yorkbirth3

Death: 1950 Kenz Terrace, West Orange NJdeath3


Father: Solomon Bernstein

Mother: Fanny Kahan

Rosie Bernstein - 1889 to 1977

Birth: Abt 1889 Prusk, Russiabirth4

Death: 18 NOV 1977


Father: Moitra (Morris?) Bernstein

Mother: Jenny Eisenberg

Rosie Bernstein - 1906 to 1984

Birth: abt 1906 Marylandbirth5

Death: 27 Dec 1984


Father: Joseph Bernstein

Mother: Edith Lermer

Rosie Bernstein - 1884

Birth: Dec 1884 Russiabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Sam Bernstein

Mother: Lena Minsker

Rosie Bernstein - 1889 to 2000

Birth: Mar 1889 St James, London, Englandbirth7

Death: 2000


Father: Barnett Bernstein

Mother: Celia Samuels

Rosie Bernstein - 1889 to 2000

Birth: Mar 1889 St James, London, Englandbirth8

Death: 2000


Father: Barnett Bernstein

Mother: Celia Samuels

Rosie Bernstein - 1888

Birth: abt 1888 Russiabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Bernstein

Mother: Bessie Roterosen/Rotrosen

Rosie Bernstein - 1898 to 1971

Birth: 7 Jul 1898 New York City, New York, USAbirth10

Death: About Jun 1971 New York City, New York, USAdeath10


Father: Nathan Bernstein

Mother: Leah Weiss

Rosie Bernstein - 1888

Birth: abt 1888 Russiabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Bernstein

Mother: Bessie Roterosen/Rotrosen

Rosie Bernstein - 1864 to 1934

Birth: 1864 Kraków, Malopolskie, Polandbirth12

Death: 1934 Queens County, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Markus Bernstein

Mother: Mollie Malkoff

Rosie Bernstein - 1897

Birth: Jan 1897 New Yorkbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Nathan Bernstein

Mother: Bessie Bertha Goldfarb

Rosie Bernstein - 1860

Birth: 09 1860 Russiabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Mendel Bernstein

Mother: Sarah Bernstein

Rosie Bernstein - 1918

Birth: 1918 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexander Berinstein

Mother: Sadie Deitelbaum

Rosie Bernstein - 1897

Birth: abt 1897 (British Subject), Sheffieldbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Maurice Bernstein

Mother: Kate Bernstein

Rosie Bernstein - 1903

Birth: 16 Oct 1903 Manhattan, New York City, New York, New York, USAbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Morris Bernstein

Mother: Theresa "Tessie" Kalmowitz

Rosie Rose Bernstein - 1901 to 1990

Birth: 1 Feb 1901 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisbirth18

Death: 6 Aug 1990 San Diegodeath18


Father: Louis Bernstein

Mother: Regina Schwefel

Rosie Ruth Bernstein - 1892 to 1950

Birth: 17 Dec 1892 New Yorkbirth19

Death: 1950 Kenz Terrace, West Orange NJdeath19


Father: Solomon Bernstein

Mother: Bluma Fannie Kahan (Cohen)

Rosie Bernstein - 1897

Birth: abt 1897 United Statesbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Saml Bernstein

Mother: Dora

Rosie Bernstein - 1898

Birth: Jul 1898 New York, USAbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Bernstein

Mother: Fannie Gordon

Rosie Bernstein - 1902

Birth: 4 Nov 1902 Manhattan, New York City, New York, New York, USAbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Max Bernstein

Mother: Yettie Hearck Bernstein

Rosie Bernstein - 1871

Birth: 1871 Russiabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Fannie Rosofsky

Rosie Bernstein - 1884 to 1915

Birth: 1884 Russiabirth24

Death: 1915 San Francisco, Californiadeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mary Borinstin

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