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Results for "Rose Pawlak"

1 - 25 of 41 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Rose D Pawlak

Birth: 23 Dec 1950 East Chicago, Indiana

Death: 11 Sep 1996 Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, USA


Father: Emil Peter

Mother: Anna Zmuda

Female IconMale Icon

Rose G. Pawlak

Birth: 22 Aug 1902 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan

Death: 30 Nov 1982 Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, United States of America


Father: Ignatius/Ignatz /Ignatus/Frank Pawlak

Mother: Apolonia Pauline Bobrowski

Female IconMale Icon

Rose "Rozalia" Pawlak

Birth: abt 1896 New York

Death: 23 Feb 1944 Buffalo, New York, USA


Father: John Pawlak

Mother: Michalina Grzesko

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 29 Dec 1888 Czechoslovakia

Death: 1 Jan 1942 Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Father: Michael Pawlak

Mother: Magdelene godek

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 4 Sep 1881 Buffalo, New York

Death: 1 Jul 1938 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA


Father: John Pawlowski

Mother: Kathrine Dresler

Female IconMale Icon

Rose B Pawlak

Birth: 22 Sep 1916 New York

Death: 04/17/2005 Canandaigua, Ontario, New York, USA


Father: John Lanski PAWLAK

Mother: Michalena WIDAWSKI

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 29Aug1895 Baltimore,Maryland

Death: 11Mar1982 Baltimore City Maryland


Father: Peter Paul Pawlak

Mother: Michealine Pawlak

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 1903 Illinois

Death: 1992 Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Father: Joseph Pawlak


Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: Abt. 1881 Germany, Poland

Death: 10 Oct 1952 Chicago Ward 8, Cook (Chicago), Illinois, USA


Father: Mathias Pawlak

Mother: Catharina Trafarska

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 20 Mar 1899 Illinois, USA

Death: 14 Mar 1980 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA


Father: Joseph Pawlak

Mother: Catherine Walczak

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Marie Pawlak

Birth: 23 March 1924 Empress, Alberta, Canada

Death: 30 Sep 2006 Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Father: John Francis "Frank" Pawlak

Mother: Stanislava (Stella) Monica Matz

Female IconMale Icon

Rose B Pawlak

Birth: September 3, 1899 Michigan, USA

Death: July 21, 1986 Wayne County, Michigan, USA


Father: Wojciech/Adalbert "Albert" J Pawlak

Mother: Elisabeth Rozalia Wisniewska

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 21 Aug 1912 Cicero Cook, Illinois

Death: 19 Apr 1989 Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York


Father: Jakub Pawlak

Mother: Katarzyna "Katherine" Gajewski

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 1912 Poland

Death: Not Available


Father: William J Pawlak

Mother: Mary Pawlak

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 7 February 1920 Pennsylvania

Death: 10 January 2017 Pennsylvania, United States of America


Father: John Pawlak

Mother: Mary Tomaszewski

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Marie Pawlak

Birth: abt 1919 Indiana

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank Peter Pawlak

Mother: Iva O'Connell

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: abt 1904 Wisconsin

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Pawlak

Mother: Katherine Pawlak

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Marie Pawlak

Birth: abt 1919 Indiana

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank Peter Pawlak

Mother: Iva O'Connell

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 8 Jul 1913 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Lorenz Pawlak

Mother: Sophie Rublesky

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 10 Apr 1882 Poland

Death: 11 Jul 1960 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: Christian Pawlak

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: abt 1855 Pozen, Poland

Death: 24 December 1938 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A


Father: John Pawlak

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Rose Pawlak

Birth: 24 Jul 1898 Lorain, Lorain, Ohio

Death: 19 Jan 1972 Elyria Memorial Hospital


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: Abt. 1837 Prussia

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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