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Results for "Rosa Tate"

1 - 25 of 198 Records

Rosa Belle Tate - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 23 September 1878 Virginiabirth0

Death: 31 Dec 1957 Wallace, Washington, Virginia, USA yrs 79 Fdeath0


Father: Kennedy J Tate

Mother: Mary E Fickle

Rosa Ostine Tate - 1912 to 2004

Birth: 25 Mar 1912 Cleveland, North Carolinabirth1

Death: 25 Dec 2004 Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolinadeath1


Father: John Franklin Tate

Mother: Dora Bessie Kendrick

Rosa Tate - 1855 to 1918

Birth: 29 Dec 1855 Pelham, Grundy Co, Tennesseebirth2

Death: 1918/01/06 ,Lincoln,Tennessee,USAdeath2


Father: James Lafayette Tate

Mother: Rachel Myers

Rosa L. Tate - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 10 November 1871 Alabama, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 18 October 1942 Comanche County, Texas, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Aaron Sylvester Tate

Mother: Mirah Ann Shankle

Rosa Tate - 1884 to 1918

Birth: 4 Apr 1884 ., ., Alabamabirth4

Death: 20 Jun 1918 Oglesby, Coryell, Texas, United Statesdeath4


Father: Jefferson Tate

Mother: Nannie Tarner

Rosa Tate - 1884 to 1918

Birth: 4 Apr 1884 ., ., Alabamabirth5

Death: 20 Jun 1918 Oglesby, Coryell, Texas, United Statesdeath5


Father: Jefferson Tate

Mother: Nannie Tarner

Rosa Ostine Tate - 1912 to 2004

Birth: 25 Mar 1912 Cleveland, North Carolinabirth6

Death: 25 Dec 2004 Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolinadeath6


Father: John Franklin Tate

Mother: Dora Bessie Kendrick

Rosa Belle Tate - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 23 September 1878 Virginiabirth7

Death: 31 Dec 1957 Wallace, Washington, Virginia, USA yrs 79 Fdeath7


Father: Kennedy J Tate

Mother: Mary E Fickle

Rosa L. Tate - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 10 November 1871 Alabama, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 18 October 1942 Comanche County, Texas, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Aaron Sylvester Tate

Mother: Mirah Ann Shankle

Rosa Belle Tate - 1901 to 1955

Birth: 03/11/1901 Leflore County, Mississippi, USAbirth9

Death: 01/25/1955 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Edgar Tate

Mother: Rosa Lee Johnson

Rosa Belle Tate - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 23 September 1878 Virginiabirth10

Death: 31 Dec 1957 Wallace, Washington, Virginia, USA yrs 79 Fdeath10


Father: Kennedy J Tate

Mother: Mary E Fickle

Rosa Lee Tate - 1909 to 2001

Birth: 1909 Greensboro, N.C.birth11

Death: 22 October 2001


Father: William Alvis Peacock

Mother: Sarah Byrley

Rosa Elizabeth Tate - 1851 to 1895

Birth: 1851 Oregonbirth12

Death: 15 Jun 1895 Dalles, Oregon, USAdeath12


Father: Robert Tate

Mother: Sarah Ann Huntley

Rosa Elizabeth Tate - 1851 to 1895

Birth: 1851 Oregonbirth13

Death: 15 Jun 1895 Dalles, Oregon, USAdeath13


Father: Robert Tate

Mother: Sarah Ann Huntley

Rosa Tate - 1900 to 1948

Birth: abt 1900 Virginiabirth14

Death: 19 April 1948 Carroll County, Virginia, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Ellis J Guynn

Mother: Laura Jane McMillian

Rosa Tate - 1900 to 1948

Birth: abt 1900 Virginiabirth15

Death: 19 April 1948 Carroll County, Virginia, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Ellis J Guynn

Mother: Laura Jane McMillian

Rosa Pauline Tate - 1934 to 2020

Birth: 15 May 1934 Caswell County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 1 Nov 2020 Burlington, Alamance County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Emmit Boyd Tate

Mother: Alvana Elizabeth Madren

Rosa L. Tate - 1866 to 1945

Birth: abt 1866 Texasbirth17

Death: 3 September 1945 Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Samuel William Tate

Mother: Martha Smith

Rosa Tate - 1918 to 1962

Birth: abt 1918 Tennesseebirth18

Death: 26 Nov 1962


Father: Francis Tate

Mother: Kathy Antaline Hanley

Rosa Pauline Tate - 1924 to 2017

Birth: June 09, 1924 Kings Prairie, Barry County, Missouri, USAbirth19

Death: November 05,2017 Republic, Greene, Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Walter William Tate

Mother: Rosa Bolton

Rosa P. Tate - 1870 to 1947

Birth: 1870 Missouribirth20

Death: 24 Jan 1947


Father: Henry Franklin Tate

Mother: Drue Shane Hall

Rosa Cade Tate - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 21 Feb 1887 Anderson, South Carolinabirth21

Death: 1973


Father: Robert Gordon Patterson

Mother: Hester Ann Evans

Rosa Lee Tate - 1934 to 1998

Birth: abt 1934 Mississippibirth22

Death: 21 Dec 1998 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Talmage Tate

Mother: Lucinda Gavin

Rosa May Tate - 1903 to 1938

Birth: 1 Jan 1903

Death: 20 JUN 1938 St Helena, Louisiana, USAdeath23


Father: Guy Otha Tate

Mother: Rosa Leanna Anglin

Rosa May Tate - 1903 to 1938

Birth: 1 Jan 1903

Death: 20 JUN 1938 St Helena, Louisiana, USAdeath24


Father: Guy Otha Tate

Mother: Rosa Leanna Anglin

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