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Results for "Richard Merrifield"

1 - 25 of 185 Records

Richard MERRIFIELD - 1826 to 1873

Birth: 1826 New York, United Statesbirth0

Death: 1873 New York City (Manhattan), New York, United Statesdeath0


Father: James Merrifield

Mother: Elizabeth Van Zandt

Richard Sargent Merrifield - 1838 to 1917

Birth: Apr 1838 Tavistock, Devon, Englandbirth1

Death: 25 Mar 1917 Middlesex, Englanddeath1


Father: William Merrifield

Mother: Ann Merrifield

Richard Merrifield - 1668 to 1757

Birth: 1668 St Columb, Cornwall, Englandbirth2

Death: 25 SEP 1757 St Enoder, Cornwall, , Englanddeath2


Father: Edward Merrifield

Mother: Alice Sprey

Richard Merrifield - 1863 to 1906

Birth: 3 Dec 1863 St Just, Cornwall, Englandbirth3

Death: 5 Dec 1906 St Just in Penwith, Cornwall, Englanddeath3


Father: John Merrifield

Mother: Susanna TONKIN

Richard Merrifield - 1863 to 1906

Birth: 3 Dec 1863 St Just, Cornwall, Englandbirth4

Death: 5 Dec 1906 St Just in Penwith, Cornwall, Englanddeath4


Father: John Merrifield

Mother: Susanna TONKIN

Richard Merrifield - 1888 to 1962

Birth: 17 Jan 1888 Bethany Place; St Just, Cornwall, Englandbirth5

Death: 1962 Grass Valley, Nevada, California, USAdeath5


Father: Richard Merrifield

Mother: Elizabeth Ellen Wall

Richard Erl Merrifield - 1888 to 2004

Birth: 18 Feb 1888 Tennessee, USAbirth6

Death: 06/26/2004 ALdeath6


Father: Adin Merrifield

Mother: Nellie Mae Kuechel

Richard Erl Merrifield - 1888 to 2004

Birth: 18 Feb 1888 Tennessee, USAbirth7

Death: 06/26/2004 ALdeath7


Father: Adin Merrifield

Mother: Nellie Mae Kuechel

Richard Merrifield - 1860

Birth: Jan 1860 New Yorkbirth8

Death: Not Available Jacksonville, St Johns, Florida, USAdeath8


Father: Walter R Merrifield

Mother: Rose Manning

Richard C. Merrifield - 1932 to 2012

Birth: 3 Feb 1932 Kezar Falls, Oxford, Mainebirth9

Death: 31 October 2012 Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, USAdeath9


Father: Elton Davis Merrifield

Mother: Ruth Mary Clark

Richard Merrifield - 1831 to 1907

Birth: 1831 Mylor, Cornwallbirth10

Death: 1907 Mylor, Cornwalldeath10


Father: Richard Merrifield

Mother: Harriet Ann Williams

Richard Merrifield - 1810 to 1895

Birth: 1810 Dean Prior, Devon, Englandbirth11

Death: 1895


Father: James Merryfield

Mother: Ann Yabbascombe

Richard Benjamin Merrifield - 1878 to 1966

Birth: 26 Dec 1878 Eaglehawk, Victoria, Australiabirth12

Death: 27 Jun 1966 Albany, Western Australia, Australiadeath12


Father: Richard Merrifield

Mother: Harriet JOY

Richard Merrifield - 1914 to 1992

Birth: 31 Mar 1914 Bolton, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: Feb 1992 Chorley, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: Alfred Edward Merrifield

Mother: Alice Whittle

Richard Merrifield - 1860 to 1935

Birth: 1860 Heathcote, Victoria, Australiabirth14

Death: 23 Sep 1935 Romsey, Victoria, Australiadeath14


Father: Thomas Merifield

Mother: Elizabeth Arscott Jones

Richard Charles MERRIFIELD - 1904 to 1958

Birth: 23 Mar 1904 Montana, Western Australiabirth15

Death: 14 August,1958 Albany, Western Australia, Australiadeath15


Father: Richard Benjamin Merrifield

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Whitta

Richard Merrifield - 1860 to 1935

Birth: 1860 Heathcote, Victoria, Australiabirth16

Death: 23 Sep 1935 Romsey, Victoria, Australiadeath16


Father: Thomas Merifield

Mother: Elizabeth Arscott Jones

Richard MERRIFIELD - 1755 to 1798

Birth: 1755 Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, USAbirth17

Death: 1 Oct 1798 Monongahela, Virginiadeath17


Father: Samuel Merrifield

Mother: Mary Elizabeth (Bicknell or Overington)

Richard Spencer Merrifield - 1892 to 1967

Birth: 1892 Victoria, Australiabirth18

Death: 1967 Geelong Victoriadeath18


Father: Frederick William MERIFIELD

Mother: Annie 'Nannie' Facey

Richard Merrifield - 1784 to 1850

Birth: 27 Sep 1784 Exeter, Devon, Englandbirth19

Death: 21 July 1850 Albany, NYdeath19


Father: William Merrifield

Mother: Mary Osborn

Richard Merrifield - 1929

Birth: abt 1929 Californiabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Warren Allen Merrifield

Mother: Sarah Love Richardson

Richard Merrifield - 1721 to 1801

Birth: 09 Jul 1721 Newlyn, Cornwall, , Englandbirth21

Death: Feb 1801 East Newlyn Cornwall Englanddeath21


Father: Richard Merrifield

Mother: Anne Sprey

Richard Merrifield - 1602 to 1654

Birth: Dec 1602 St Columb Major, Cornwall, Englandbirth22

Death: 1654 Yorkshire,,,Englanddeath22


Father: William Merrifield or Merefield

Mother: Not Available

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