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Results for "ramona barnett"

Name: Ramona Darlene Barnett

Birth: 6 Aug 1929 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Death: 16 Aug 2016 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USA

Father: Ishmael Barney Barnett

Mother: Sarah FANNIN

Name: Ramona Rae BARNETT

Birth: 14 January 1938 Oklahoma City, Cleveland, Oklahoma, United States

Death: 30 Nov 2014 Odessa, Ector, Texas, USA

Father: William James Barnett

Mother: *Beulah Rae Baker

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: 18 Nov 1928 Breathitt, Kentucky, USA

Death: July 7, 1972 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA

Father: Taylor Barnett

Mother: Nancy Shoemaker

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: 1912 Moberly, Randolph, Missouri, USA

Death: 11 Feb 1999 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA

Father: Henry Clay Barnett

Mother: Edna Mabel Sinnock

Name: Ramona Jean Barnett

Birth: 17 Apr 1955 Gray, Texas, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Fuller Leroy Barnett

Mother: Joyce Marie Haggard

Name: Ramona Ruth BARNETT

Birth: 5 June 1935 Jeffersonville, Fayette County, Ohio, USA

Death: 23 August 2012 Escondido, San Diego County, California, USA

Father: Luster Estell (Rev) Barnett

Mother: Thelma Harriet Warne

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: abt 1947 Kentucky

Death: Not Available

Father: Victor Raymond Holland

Mother: Etta Meyer

Name: Ramona Marie Barnett

Birth: 7 Feb 1924 Oklahoma, USA

Death: Nov 10 1948 Los Angeles, California

Father: Eugene F. Orphan

Mother: Bertha Mae barnett

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: 9 Oct Tennessee, USA

Death: 1997

Father: Wilmer Barnett

Mother: Rose alma Monat

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Ann Berdine Cecil

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: 1955

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Joyce Marie Haggard

Name: Ramona Barnett

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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