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Results for "Pietro Gemignani"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Pietro Gemignani - 1864 to 1956

Birth: 12/05/1864 Torre del Lago Puccini, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth0

Death: 03/07/1956 Torre del Lago Puccini, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath0


Father: Sabatino Gemignani

Mother: Emilia Picchi

Pietro Gemignani - 1835 to 1855

Birth: abt 1835 Camaiore, Camaiore, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth1

Death: 28 May 1855 Camaiore, Camaiore, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath1


Father: Francesco Gemignani

Mother: Eufrosina Benedetti

Pietro Gemignani - 1823 to 1898

Birth: abt 1823 Lucca, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth2

Death: 10 Mar 1898 Lucca, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath2


Father: Domenico Gemignani

Mother: Carola Poli

Pietro P. "Piero" Gemignani - 1931 to 1993

Birth: 18 Jun 1931 Viareggio, Toscana, Italybirth3

Death: 15 Feb 1993 San Mateo County, California, USAdeath3


Father: Aladino "Dino" Gemignani

Mother: Fedora Sargentini

Pietro Gemignani - 1850

Birth: abt 1850 San Macario, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Luigi Gemignani

Mother: Maria Gesualda Lucarini

Pietro Gemignani - 1896

Birth: 29 Jun 1896 Bargecchia, Massarosa, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni Rizzieri Adolfo "Adolfo" Gemignani

Mother: Ginerva Bertolucci

Pietro # KLLJ-1CJ familysearch.org Gemignani - 1831

Birth: 1831 Italybirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Domenico # LWXF-YNG familysearch.org Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Pietro Gemignani - 1827

Birth: abt 1827 Vallebuia, Livorno, Toscana, Italybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Domenico Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Pietro Gemignani - 1837

Birth: abt 1837 Moriano San Stefano, Italybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Gaetano Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Pietro Gemignani

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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