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Results for "petar balakovich"

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Birth: 20 Jun 1882 Hynic Millposh, Czechoslovakia

Death: 23 Jul 1954 Greensburg, PA

Father: Michael Talyarovics

Mother: Anna/maria Kaminiski/Kaminska

Name: Peter Anthony Blakovich

Birth: October 1st, 1933 Monongalia, West Virginia, USA

Death: November 10, 2013 Little Falls, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Father: Steven Blakovich

Mother: Kathryn Pauline Cole


Birth: 10 Oct 1910 Duluth, St. Louis Co., Minnesota

Death: 25 Sep 1962 Duluth, St. Louis Co., Minnesota

Father: Joseph Rode Malkovich

Mother: Mary Smiljanic

Name: Peter Bolanovich

Birth: abt 1923 Missouri

Death: 16 May 1970 Cook County, Illinois

Father: Mitar Bolanovich (boljanovic)

Mother: Juliana

Name: Peter Joseph Barkovich

Birth: 3 Aug 1908 Morgantown, Monongalia, West Virginia

Death: 1 Feb 1980 Eastpointe, Macomb, Michigan, United States of America

Father: Sylvester Borkovich

Mother: Magdalena Markusic (Markušić)

Name: Peter Paul Barkovich

Birth: 24 Mar 1921 Universal, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 5 Mar 1989

Father: George Barkovich

Mother: Anna Evanish

Name: Peter Bulatovich

Birth: 1871 Kolasin, , Crna Gora, Yugoslavia

Death: 19 October 1933 Prince Rupert, Skeena-Queen Charlotte, British Columbia, Canada

Father: Vuleta Bulatovich

Mother: Jaglika

Name: Peter Milakovich

Birth: 1892 Yugoslavia

Death: Not Available

Father: John Milakovic

Mother: Mary Milakovic

Name: Peter John Matakovich

Birth: 24 Feb 1917 Michigan

Death: 6 Jun 1996 Wisconsin, Oneida

Father: John Joseph Matakovic (Matokovich)

Mother: Rose B Kolich

Name: Peter M Balkovich

Birth: 6 Sept 1912 Pennsylvania

Death: 3 Feb 1979 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Matthew Balkovec

Mother: Margaret Lesac

Name: Peter Talarovich

Birth: 26 Feb 1923 Bradenville, Westmoreland, PA, USA

Death: 24 Feb 2009 Wilpen, Westmoreland, PA, USA

Father: Peter Talarovich

Mother: Mary (Anna) Petrus


Birth: 13 Feb 1918

Death: 11 Sep 1985 Superior, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Roko Balakovich

Mother: Juliana PEVEC

Name: Peter J Radakovich/

Birth: 12 April 1929 Illinois

Death: 7 Sep 1972

Father: Michael J Radakovich"

Mother: Sava Tikilla/ Trkulja

Name: Peter S Oslakovich

Birth: 28 Jan 1915 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Death: 13 Feb 1948 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Father: Peter Oslakovich

Mother: Theresa Kupres

Name: Peter Baskovich

Birth: abt 1946 Illinois

Death: Not Available

Father: John Boskovich

Mother: Barbara Peltz

Name: Peter Balkovich

Birth: 1908 Pennsylvania

Death: Not Available

Father: Paul Balkovich

Mother: Bertha Balkovich

Name: Peter Radakovich

Birth: 26 Sep 1879 Yugoslavia

Death: Abt 1930 Bayfield

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Peter Bartkovich

Birth: Abt. 1855 Austria Hungary

Death: Abt. 1915 Austria

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Peter Radakovich

Birth: abt 1880 Austria

Death: 1930

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Peter Yelakovich

Birth: 1894 Croatia, Croatia

Death: Not Available Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Peter Radakovich

Birth: 12 Aug 1918 Yugoslavia

Death: 27 Oct 2009 Ohio, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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