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Results for "Paul Carberry"

1 - 25 of 37 Records

Paul Clum Carberry - 1924 to 1969

Birth: 13 Oct 1924 Sharon, Litchfield, Connecticut, USAbirth0

Death: 2 Sept 1969 Sharon Hosp, Sharon, Conndeath0


Father: Joseph Vincent Carberry

Mother: Lena F 1 Clum

Paul Carberry - 1922 to 1923

Birth: 1922 Buffalo, Erie, New Yorkbirth1

Death: 1923 Buffalo, Erie, New Yorkdeath1


Father: Frank Carberry

Mother: Frances Miller

Paul Carberry - 1883 to 1888

Birth: 06 Jan 1883 Wilmington, Delawarebirth2

Death: 22 Jul 1888 Wilmington, Delawaredeath2


Father: James M. Carberry

Mother: Anna E. Ormsby

Paul James Carberry - 1930 to 2017

Birth: 10 Nov 1930 Worth County, Iowa, USAbirth3

Death: 02 Nov 2017 Prescott, Yavapai, Arizona, USAdeath3


Father: Abner Benjamin Carberry

Mother: Edna Lucy Freeman

Paul Bernard Carberry - 1907 to 1978

Birth: 30 Nov 1907 Knightsville, Indianabirth4

Death: 1 Sep 1978 Susanville, Lassen, California, USAdeath4


Father: Phillip Martin Carberry

Mother: Florence Bertha Hendrickson Carberry

Paul Joseph Carberry - 1900 to 1985

Birth: 16 September 1900 Pennsylvania, USAbirth5

Death: Dec 1985 Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Hugh Bernard Carberry

Mother: Honora Annie McLaughlin

Paul Carberry - 1962 to 2017

Birth: 31 May 1962 Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotlandbirth6

Death: 21 Dec 2017


Father: Francis Carberry

Mother: Elizabeth Cameron

Paul M Carberry - 1938

Birth: abt 1938 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: John J Carberry

Mother: Florence H Cummings

Paul Joseph Carberry - 1943 to 2004

Birth: 22 Aug 1943 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAbirth8

Death: 12 Oct 2004 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: Gerald Alton Carberry

Mother: Roberta Eugenia Miller

Paul Carberry - 1914

Birth: 1914 Pennsylvaniabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: John Henry Carberry

Mother: Mary Ward

Paul A. Carberry - 1917 to 1996

Birth: 2 Dec 1917 Worcester Wo, Massachusettsbirth10

Death: 1 Jan 1996 Miami, Miami-dade, Florida, USAdeath10


Father: James Francis Carberry

Mother: Mary Jane Reynolds

Paul William Carberry - 1878 to 1884

Birth: 1878 Illinoisbirth11

Death: 28 Aug 1884 Cook County, Illinoisdeath11


Father: John Carbary

Mother: Sophie Lavoie

Paul J Carberry - 1925 to 1987

Birth: 20 Jun 1925 Ardsley, Pennsylvaniabirth12

Death: 5 Aug 1987


Father: Paul Joseph Carberry

Mother: Margaret Huber

Paul Thomas Carberry - 1958 to 2005

Birth: 10/02/1958 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australiabirth13

Death: 12/03/2005 Gundagai South, New South Wales, Australiadeath13


Father: Leslie Thomas Carberry

Mother: Muriel Gladys Bowditch

Female IconMale Icon

Paul Carberry

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Maurice Joseph Carberry

Mother: Alice Butterworth

Female IconMale Icon

Paul J Carberry

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Francis Patrick Carberry

Mother: Winifred M Hopewell

Paul Carberry - 1752

Birth: 1 feb 1752 Londonbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Carberry

Mother: Elizabeth Symes

paul carberry

Birth: Not Available co.tyronebirth17

Death: Not Available co.tyronedeath17


Father: John Francis Carbery

Mother: Mary Alice O'Neill

Female IconMale Icon

Paul Carberry

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: James Carberry

Mother: Coleen Anne Wagner

Paul Joseph CARBERRY - 1965 to 2011

Birth: Apr 1965 New York, USAbirth19

Death: Aft. 14 Nov 2011


Father: Richard W Carberry

Mother: Not Available

Paul G Carberry - 1961 to 2008

Birth: 7 Dec 1961 Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa, United States of Americabirth20

Death: 12 Apr 2008 Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Gary James Carberry

Mother: Not Available

Paul Carberry - 1917

Birth: 1917 Wisconsinbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Paul Carberry

Birth: Not Available Long Island City, New Yorkbirth22

Death: Abt. Mar 1987 Englewood, New Jerseydeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Paul E. Carberry - 1929 to 2015

Birth: 1929 QueensCounty, New York

Death: 16 August, 2015 Ohiodeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Paul Carberry - 1948

Birth: 1948

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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