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Results for "Patrick Hanley"

1 - 25 of 1,788 Records

Patrick HANLEY - 1835 to 1886

Birth: 1835 Dublin, Irelandbirth0

Death: 30 Dec 1886 209 W 57th St. Manhattan, NYC, NY, USAdeath0


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Mary McGovern

Patrick H Hanley - 1877 to 1940

Birth: June 14, 1877 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United Statesbirth1

Death: 5 Jan 1940 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United Statesdeath1


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Eliza Taylor

Patrick Hanley - 1877 to 1945

Birth: 16 Mar 1877 Galway, Irelandbirth2

Death: 16 Mar 1945 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath2


Father: Martin Hanly

Mother: Bridget Duggan Hanly

Patrick Farrell Hanley - 1838 to 1906

Birth: 1838 Irelandbirth3

Death: 15 Nov 1906 Rhode Islanddeath3


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Bridget FARRELL Hanley

Patrick H Hanley - 1877 to 1940

Birth: June 14, 1877 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United Statesbirth4

Death: 5 Jan 1940 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United Statesdeath4


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Eliza Taylor

Patrick Hanley - 1834 to 1913

Birth: 1834 Irelandbirth5

Death: 1913 USAdeath5


Father: James HANDLEY

Mother: Mary Johnson

Patrick Hanley - 1844 to 1917

Birth: 20 Dec 1844 Irelandbirth6

Death: 27 Jun 1917 La Salle, Illinois, USAdeath6


Father: Martin Hanley

Mother: Ellen Igo

Patrick Hanley - 1834 to 1913

Birth: 1834 Irelandbirth7

Death: 1913 USAdeath7


Father: James HANDLEY

Mother: Mary Johnson

Patrick Hanley - 1861 to 1940

Birth: 26 Aug 1861 Horse Park, Castlebar, County Mayo, Irelandbirth8

Death: 31 Mar 1940 Brooklyn, New Yorkdeath8


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Mary Margaret Kennedy

Patrick Hanley - 1834 to 1913

Birth: 1834 Irelandbirth9

Death: 1913 USAdeath9


Father: James HANDLEY

Mother: Mary Johnson

Patrick Farrell Hanley - 1838 to 1906

Birth: 1838 Irelandbirth10

Death: 15 Nov 1906 Rhode Islanddeath10


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Bridget FARRELL Hanley

Patrick Joseph Hanley - 1874 to 1936

Birth: 12 Jan 1874 Irelandbirth11

Death: 14 Apr 1936 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginiadeath11


Father: John Hendley

Mother: Catherine Giblin(Hanley)

Patrick J Hanley - 1878 to 1931

Birth: 5 Oct 1878 O'Neill, Holt, Nebraska, USAbirth12

Death: 01 Feb 1931 Portland, Clackamas, Oregon, United Statesdeath12


Father: Dennis Hanley

Mother: Mary Devaney

Patrick Hanley - 1834 to 1913

Birth: 1834 Irelandbirth13

Death: 1913 USAdeath13


Father: James HANDLEY

Mother: Mary Johnson

Patrick F Hanley - 1874 to 1951

Birth: 26 Aug 1874 Ohio, USAbirth14

Death: 31 Jan 1951 Westbury, Nassau, New York, USAdeath14


Father: Patrick Francis Hanley

Mother: Mary Casey

Patrick Farrell Hanley - 1838 to 1906

Birth: 1838 Irelandbirth15

Death: 15 Nov 1906 Rhode Islanddeath15


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Bridget FARRELL Hanley

Patrick Hanley - 1877 to 1945

Birth: 16 Mar 1877 Galway, Irelandbirth16

Death: 16 Mar 1945 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath16


Father: Martin Hanly

Mother: Bridget Duggan Hanly

Patrick Farrell Hanley - 1838 to 1906

Birth: 1838 Irelandbirth17

Death: 15 Nov 1906 Rhode Islanddeath17


Father: Patrick Hanley

Mother: Bridget FARRELL Hanley

Patrick "Pat" Hanley - 1838 to 1916

Birth: Mar 1838 Irelandbirth18

Death: 20 Mar 1916 Neversink, Sullivan, New York, USAdeath18


Father: Thomas Hanley

Mother: Ann

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