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Results for "Otto Cates"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Otto Cates - 1888 to 1962

Birth: 26 June 1888 Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United Statesbirth0

Death: 11 Aug 1962 Wood Heights, Ray, Missouri, United Statesdeath0


Father: Quintes J. Cates

Mother: Amanda C Cates

Otto Cates - 1888 to 1962

Birth: 26 June 1888 Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United Statesbirth1

Death: 11 Aug 1962 Wood Heights, Ray, Missouri, United Statesdeath1


Father: Quintes J. Cates

Mother: Amanda C Cates

Otto Cates - 1888 to 1962

Birth: 26 June 1888 Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United Statesbirth2

Death: 11 Aug 1962 Wood Heights, Ray, Missouri, United Statesdeath2


Father: Quintes J. Cates

Mother: Amanda C Cates

Otto Kenton Cates - 1912 to 1992

Birth: 3 Sep 1912 Watts, Adair County, Oklahoma, USAbirth3

Death: 9 Aug 1992 Olathe, Johnson, Kansas, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Franklin Kenton Cates

Mother: Catherine Emma Beach

Otto Cates - 1909

Birth: abt 1909 Texasbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Gerome Benjamin Cates

Mother: Dollie Lee Cook

Otto Cates - 1905

Birth: abt 1905 North Carolinabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Hurbert Blalock

Mother: Elizabeth Bettie Matthews

Otto Cates - 1901

Birth: abt 1901 Texasbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Ida Olive Cottle Cates

Otto Burlin Cates - 1900 to 1978

Birth: 26 Apr 1900 Axtell, McLennan, Texasbirth7

Death: 13 November 1978 403 Garner Road Apt 57, Pasadena, Harris County, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Otto Cates - 1850 to 1900

Birth: 1850

Death: 1900


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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